Contents of the Organize Favorite Report Dialog Box (Desktop)

Use the Organize Favorite Report dialog box to select and set options for saving or modifying personal or role-based specific settings for favorites.

Field Description
Favorite Name If you want to create a new favorite report, enter the name in this field. If you want to modify an existing favorite report, select it from the drop-down list for this field.
Save as a personal favorite You can save the report as a role-specific or personal favorite:
  • Role-Specific: To save a favorite report for use by anyone who shares your security role, clear the Save as a personal favorite option and click Save. Every employee with your security role can then use the favorite.
  • Personal: To save a favorite report for your own use only, select Save as a personal favorite and click Save.
Access to all roles Select this option to save the report as a global favorite that is available to all Reporting users. Clear this option if you want to grant access to the favorite only to selected roles.
Available Roles, Assigned Roles To grant access to a favorite report based on Vantagepoint security roles, move the roles from Available Roles to Assigned Roles. Only the employees who are assigned one of the security roles in Assigned Roles can use the favorite.

To move a role from Available Roles to Assigned Roles, click the role and click Add.

To move a role Assigned Roles back to Available Roles, click the role and click Remove.

If you click Save without selecting any roles, Vantagepoint automatically selects Access to all roles when it saves the favorite.

Buttons Delete: Delete the favorite report specified in Favorite Name.

Close: Close the dialog box without saving your entries.