Set Up Organization Debits and Credits

Use the Organization debits and credits fields in Posting Account Settings to determine the debits and credits that you want to distribute by organization. If you do not want payroll liability credits distributed by an organization, you can select the payroll liability organization that you want.

The Debit and Credit Distribution by Organization grid displays only if organizations are enabled for the active company.

To set up organization debits and credits:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Posting Accounts.
  2. In the Debit and Credit Distribution by Organization grid, select the row that contains the type of debit or credit that you want to post to an indirect account or balance sheet account.
    Do not select any of these rows if you post the credit to a balance sheet account and you use a consolidated balance sheet.
  3. For each row, enter or select the account to which the debit or credit will be distributed for the organization.
    If you use multiple companies, only those accounts that belong to the active company are available.
  4. To distribute the debit or credit by organization, select the Distribute check box.
  5. If you instead want to specify the project, phase, and/or task for the debit or credit, clear the Distribute check box and enter or select entries for the Project, Phase, and Task fields.
    If you use multiple companies, only projects, phases, or tasks that belong to the active company are available for these fields.
  6. Click Save.