HMRC Interface Tab of the Tax File Generation Form

Use this tab to obtain VAT tax obligations from HMRC, prepare your VAT data for submission to HMRC, make the VAT submission to HMRC, and run a Tax Detail Report for a reporting period.

This tab displays only when you select the UK VAT Return file format on the General tab.

You first need to populate the grid by entering dates in the Start Date and End Date fields for the periods you want to obtain VAT Tax obligations from HMRC. Press the Retrieve VAT Obligation button to obtain data from HMRC for the periods you entered.

If your HMRC access token for the active company is not valid, an HMRC Authorization dialog box displays when you press the Retrieve VAT Obligation button. To connect with HMRC, see Obtain HMRC Authorization.


Field Description
VAT Registration Number This field displays the tax registration number from Settings > Cash Management > Options for the active company.
Include all companies with the same Registration Number This check box displays if you are using multiple companies. To submit a group VAT registration, select this check box to include other companies that use the same tax registration number for the selected start and end dates.
Start Date Enter the start date for the information you want from HMRC.
End Date

Enter the end date for the information you want from HMRC. The end date cannot be for a future period. The start and end dates together cannot cover more than a 366 day range.

Retrieve VAT Obligations

Click this button to retrieve VAT data for the selected dates from HMRC and display it as rows in the HMRC Data grid. This button is available when you specify the start and end dates.

HMRC states that as long as the obligation Start or End date falls within the selection range, it will be retrieved.

Grid Command Buttons

Field Description
Get VAT Data Click this button to retrieve tax file generation data for the period in the currently selected row. This button is available only when the selected row's Status value is O (Open). If you have run a final Tax File Generation for the period of this row, the amount fields display the generated values. If no data is found, an informational message displays and you most likely need to run Tax File Generation for the specified period.
Submit VAT Obligation Click this button to submit your VAT information to HMRC. This button is available when the selected row's Status value is O (Open), the end date is prior to the current date, and all amount fields contain values.
Tax Detail Report Click this button to generate a UK VAT Detail report for the selected row. This button is available when you select a row that contains data in any of the amount fields.

HMRC Data Grid

The grid displays the VAT data, starting with the latest period available from HMRC.

Field Description
Start Date This field displays the reporting period start date.
End Date This field displays the reporting period end date.
Due Date This field displays the tax return due date. This value is supplied by HMRC.

For periods that have already been submitted to HMRC, the status value is F for Finalized. For periods not yet submitted to HMRC, the status value is O for Open. This value is supplied by HMRC.

This value is supplied by HMRC, so it is not updated when you press the Submit VAT Obligation button. Instead, it is updated the next time you select Retrieve VAT Obligation. See the HMRC notes in the Received Date field description.

Received Date

This is the date HMRC reports that they received a Finalized submission.

This value is supplied by HMRC, so it is not updated when you press the Submit VAT Obligation button. Instead, it is updated the next time you select Retrieve VAT Obligation.

HMRC states that the vast majority of transactions will be completed within 5 seconds; however, in some cases the delay may be a lot longer. If the delay is longer, the process is as follows: If a submission is made Monday to Thursday during normal working hours, the obligation will be updated by the following morning (this may be earlier in some cases). If the return is received after 6pm on a Friday, then it is possible that the obligation will not be marked as fulfilled until the following Tuesday (or possibly Wednesday if there is a bank holiday). The obligation will be marked as met on the date it is received from the software, so a customer will not receive a penalty if the return was provided within the required time.

VAT Due Sales This field displays the Box 1 sum.
VAT Due Acquisitions This field displays the Box 2 sum.
Total VAT Due This field displays the sum of Box 1 and Box 2.
VAT Reclaimed Current Period This field displays the Box 4 sum.
Net VAT Due This field displays the Total VAT Due minus Box 4 amount.
Total Value Sales Excluding VAT This field displays the Box 6 sum.
Total Value Purchases Excluding VAT This field displays the Box 7 sum.
Total Value Goods Supplied Excluding VAT This field displays the Box 8 sum.
Total Acquisitions Excluding VAT This field displays the Box 9 sum.