Specify General Settings that Affect the Entries that Employees Make in Expense Reports

Determine distance reimbursement rates, general ledger accounts for posting, employee signature requirements, and more.

To enter general settings that affect expense report entry:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Expense > Options.
  2. In the Global Expense Options section of the Expense Options settings form, set the Use Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) In Mobile T&E option to Yes to enable ICR in Mobile Time & Expense (mobile).
    You can click Save after enabling this option.
  3. In the company-specific section of the form, select expense report options for the active company (which is identified in the toolbar):
    1. To specify that employees must sign expense reports, set the Employee Signature Required option to Yes and use the corresponding field to specify the prompt text that employees see.
    2. To allow employees to enter applied advance amounts on their expense reports, set the Apply Advances option to Yes.
    3. To specify the amount that you will reimburse employees for each mile or kilometer of travel, enter a monetary amount in the first field under Distance Measure and then select Mile or Kilometer in the adjacent field.
      To allow employees to override these defaults when they enter expense reports, set the Allow to Edit Distance Rate option to Yes in the Advanced Options section.
  4. In the Advanced Options section of the form, specify the account and project, phase, and task (where applicable) for company-paid credit postings, employee expense credit postings, and employee advance credit postings.
  5. To prevent employees from entering inactive projects on their expense reports, set the Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant option to Yes.
  6. To allow employees to enter company-paid items on their expense reports, set the Allow Company Paid Expenses option to Yes.
  7. In the Display on Expense Reports section, use the Account option to specify whether the account name, account number, or both, are included on expense reports.
  8. Click Save.