Save a SQL Where Clause Search

You can save new or updated SQL Where Clause searches to the Searches list for reuse. You can also create folder directories to organize your searches.

To save a SQL Where Clause search:

  1. Open the Search dialog box:
    • In the Navigation pane, select a Hub or application. Click on the Select Searches list, then scroll down and click +New Search. The New Search dialog box displays with the Search Criteria grid.

    • From a lookup list, click Search. The New Search dialog box displays and includes a list of the records related to the lookup. Click the More Search Options link to open the New Search dialog box with the Search Criteria grid.
    • From the Reporting application, click the Reports tab, and click on report row in the Reports grid. The Saved Searches list appears. Click and select Search option from the Searches list. The New Search dialog box displays and includes a list of the records related to the report.
    • From the Reporting application, click the Favorites tab, and select a favorite report in the list to run it.
  2. On the Actions bar of the Search dialog box, click Save Options.
  3. On the Saved Options dialog box:
    • If you are updating an existing search, click Save.
    • If you are saving the options as a new search with a different name, click Save As New Search.
    Vantagepoint adds the search to the designated folder in the Searches list.
  4. To allow other users access to the search, click in the Save For field.
    Depending on your security rights, you can save the search for everyone (all security roles), your role, specific security roles, or only for yourself.
    CAUTION: If you share a SQL Where Search with a user who does not have the required security role access, then that user can run the SQL Where Clause search, but cannot edit it.
  5. To add the search to one of the folder directories in the Searches list:
    1. Click in the Add This Search To field.
    2. On the Folder Options dialog box, select an existing folder from the list or click +New Folder to create a new folder.