Projects Hub for Resource Planning Without Accounting

If the Resource Planning module is activated but none of the other core modules (Accounting, CRM, CRM Plus, or Time and Expense) is activated, Vantagepoint includes a streamlined Projects hub in the browser application.

This option to use the Resource Planning module without the Accounting module is designed for companies that use other products, such as Deltek Costpoint, for project management, billing, general accounting, and related functions but want to take advantage of the powerful project planning and resource management tools that the Vantagepoint Resource Planning module offers. Companies that choose this path have the full suite of Vantagepoint planning and resource management functionality, with other Vantagepoint applications scaled back to only provide the functionality needed to support their planning activities.

What You Can and Cannot Do in the Projects Hub

The scaled down Projects hub for this "standalone" Resource Planning implementation contains the project fields and options that you need for the Resource Planning module, but it does not include fields and options that are only needed for modules you have not activated. In some cases, entire tabs are hidden because they are not related to resource planning.

While you can enter your planning data on the Plan form in the Projects hub, most of the supporting data (project work breakdown structure (WBS), employee information, and so on) must be imported into Vantagepoint from source applications in which you maintain it. You can load those records into Vantagepoint by extracting them into comma-separated values (.csv) files and then importing them using the Vantagepoint file import process or by using the API capabilities that Vantagepoint offers to more fully integrate your source applications with Vantagepoint. To ensure that project information in Vantagepoint stays in sync with the information in the source application, you cannot add projects, make changes to the WBS, or edit data for any standard fields. However, you can do the following:
  • You can view projects in Detail View and in List View, and you can export project information from List View.
  • You can use the Files & Links tab in the Projects form to upload, view, and store files that are related to the current project record. You can also add URLs, email addresses, and links to files and graphics.
  • If you create custom user-defined fields for the hub in Vantagepoint, you can enter and edit data in those custom fields.
  • You can delete a project that you no longer want in Vantagepoint for planning purposes.

Deleting Projects

When the Resource Planning module is activated but the Accounting module is not, you can delete a project that you no longer want in Vantagepoint for planning purposes, even if you have imported associated actual hours or amounts for it. Doing so removes that project from Vantagepoint, including its planned and job-to-date actual hours and amounts. You can also delete selected parts of the WBS for a project that you do not want to maintain planning information for.

Deleting an entire project or selected WBS elements for a project in Vantagepoint does not affect the information in the application that was the source of that imported project data.