Contents of the Options Form in General Settings

Use the Options form to enter various system-wide and company-specific settings.

Field Description
Save Click this button to save your changes on the Options form.

Global Options Section

The options in this section do not change when a user switches companies.

Hey Deltek

Field Description
Enable Hey Deltek! Natural Language Interaction Feature Select this check box to allow users to easily interact with Vantagepoint using natural language and common commands.

Activity Settings

Field Description
Number of Seconds to Poll for Alerts Activity alerts are designed to remind you of calendar events, tasks to be assigned or approved, and the need to submit timesheets, expense reports, and project budgets. The polling interval that you specify determines how often Vantagepoint checks for alert activity.

Enter the polling interval in seconds. The value you enter must be greater than 0. Deltek recommends a value of 6; however, it can be higher if needed.


Field Description
Restrict Terminated Employees from Being Reactivated Select this check box to restrict employees with a terminated status from the being reactivated. If you select this restriction check box and then, on the Summary pane in the Employees hub, set the Status option to Terminated (cannot reactivate), two things happen:
  • The Status option in the Employees hub becomes non-editable.
  • A banner displays on the employee's photograph, to indicate that the employee has been terminated and cannot be reactivated.

Export Reports as Files

The following export options allow you to save reports, including invoices, on the Vantagepoint application server or a server of your choice.

Field Description
Export Reports as Files Use this option to select the type of export process, if any, that you want to apply to reports, including Billing invoices:
  • Allow Reports to be Exported to Application Server: Select this option to export reports to a file on the application server. The export process occurs when the Export Reports as Files When Printing option is selected on the Print Setup dialog box, where you can define the format for saving the report. For example, you might want to save an invoice file on the application server when the invoice is final printed but not when the draft invoice is created.
  • Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP: Select this option to use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to export and save invoices to an application server of your choice. When you choose to upload via SFTP, you also specify the SFTP Host Name, User Name, and Password to ensure that your files are securely transferred to the appropriate location. The export process occurs when the Upload Reports via SFTP when Printing option is selected on the Printer dialog box, where you can define the format for saving the report.

    For additional information on implementing SFTP with Microsoft IIS, see:

    If you do not use Microsoft IIS for SFTP, refer to your vendor's documentation for additional information.

  • Do Not Allow Reports to be Exported: Select this option if reports will not be exported.
SFTP Host Name If you set the Export Reports as Files option to Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP, use this field to specify the name of the SFTP host.
SFTP User Name If you set the Export Reports as Files option to Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP, use this field to specify the SFTP username.
SFTP Password If you set the Export Reports as Files option to Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP, use this field to specify the SFTP password.

FileStream File Size

Field Description
Number of Megabytes Upload Limit This field displays if Vantagepoint is configured to allow employees to upload documents for transactions, templates, and hubs (it does not apply Adobe InDesign templates). When you upload a document, a copy of the file is stored in Vantagepoint. To control the size limit for each file, enter the maximum allowable file size in Megabytes (MB). If the uploaded file exceeds the allowable limit, Vantagepoint displays an error message an includes the impacted file names.

You must enter a number in this field. You cannot leave it blank.

Text Editor Defaults

Specify the default font and size that the Text Editor uses whenever someone enters text in a memo, comment, note, description, or proposal field. The default settings are also used in reports that include these fields. Changing the default font and size does not change formatting for any existing text. The new font and size apply only to text that you enter after you make the change.

Field Description
Font Use this field to select the default font.
Size Use this field to select the default size.


Field Description
Allow Users to Share Their Calendars Select this check box to allow calendars to be shared and viewed among Vantagepoint users.

Active Directory

Field Description
Tenant Domain Name Enter a domain name in this field, based on the type of directory that you are using:
  • For an on-premises active directory, enter the domain name ending with .com. For example:
  • For Azure Active Directory, enter the name of your Azure tenant domain.
  • For multiple tenant domains, specify the name of the primary tenant domain.
Client ID Enter the Application ID that was generated when you added and configured the Vantagepoint (Client) application in Azure AD.
Server Client ID Enter the Application ID that was generated when you added and configured the Vantagepoint application in Azure AD.
Secret Server Key Enter the key value that was generated when you added and configured the Vantagepoint application in Azure AD.

Historically, the maximum duration of the Secret Server Key was two years. However, Microsoft has expanded the duration, to allow the administrator to specify an unlimited timeframe so that the key never expires. If you do not specify an unlimited duration, you must track the expiration date and reset the Secret Server Key before the expiration date. This will prevent login errors.

If the date for the Secret Server Key expires, you will receive an access denied (401) error when you launch the application and you will not be able to log in to the application.

Internet Authentication

Field Description
Domain If your company requires credentials for Vantagepoint to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication domain name.
Username If your company requires credentials for Vantagepoint to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication username.
Password If your company requires credentials for Vantagepoint to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication password name.


Field Description
Enable Workflow Troubleshooting Log Select this check box to enable the Workflow Troubleshooting log. The log records the progress of each user-initiated workflow, such as when events start, and when individual actions succeed, fail, or are not executed because defined conditions are not met. You set up user-initiated workflows in Settings > Workflow > User Initiated Workflows.

Warning: Use this log only as a short-term troubleshooting tool to determine why workflows do or do not work correctly. If you leave the log enabled for extended periods of time, it may result in Vantagepoint performance degradation.

To view the log, open the WorkflowLog table in the Vantagepoint database using a direct connection to the SQL database or using ODBC access.

After you enable the log and then you disable it, all the data in the log is cleared automatically.

When you upgrade Vantagepoint to a new release, the Enable Workflow Troubleshooting Log check box is cleared automatically, and all the data in the log is cleared.

Number of Seconds for Web Service Timeout Use this field to prolong the duration before web service timeout. The default duration for web service timeout is 100 seconds. To make the duration infinite, enter 0 or leave the field blank.
Number of Minutes for Application Session Timeout Enter the amount of idle time after which a user will be prompted to log back into Vantagepoint. A blank value indicates that no timeout exists, and users will not be required to log back into Vantagepoint, no matter how long they have been idle.

Desktop Lookups Section

Field Description
Allow Users to Automatically Retrieve Records in Lookups If you select this check box, Vantagepoint controls whether or not records are automatically retrieved when users open lookups. If the option is not selected, Vantagepoint does not retrieve records automatically on lookups.

You can determine whether Vantagepoint retrieves records automatically when you open a lookup. To do this, click > My Preferences on the title bar. On the General tab of the My Preferences dialog box, select the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Hub/Employee Review option.

If your company has a large database, you may decide against selecting this option because retrieving records may take some time.

Use lookup limits Select this check box to control the number of records displayed at one time in the results grid in a lookup dialog box. This setting affects all lookups. If your enterprise has a large database, you may want to limit the number of records displayed because retrieval may take some time.
When you select this check box and enter a number in the Maximum number of records field below the check box, the following items display on a lookup dialog box after you click the Search button:
  • Show Results (x-xx) displays above the results grid on the right side of the lookup. It helps to know your place in the list of records since you cannot see or scroll through them all at one time. Use the right or left arrow beside this text to scroll through and view the next or previous set of retrieved records in the lookup grid.
  • Get Total Rows text displays in the lower right corner of the lookup. Click the text to display the total record count for the search results. The Get Total Rows text is replaced with Total Rows.
Maximum number of records If you selected the Use lookup limits check box, enter the maximum number of records to display at one time in the results grid of a lookup.

<Company Name> Section

The options in this section apply only to the currently-selected company. Use this section to establish your company's name and address and set the default address format. Name and address information displays at the top of screens, on your invoices (if you use Billing), and in the headings of reports.

Field Description
Firm Name Enter your company's name, which displays at the top of screens, on your invoices (if Billing is installed), and in the headings of all reports.
Byline Enter the byline of the firm.
Company Email Enter your firm's email address.
Company Phone Enter your firm's phone number.
Default Address Format Select the default format for the Address fields. If the Country field is blank on a record, the setting in this field determines which address format is used in reports.
Enable Payroll Module If your company purchased the Payroll application, select this option to enable Payroll in the Vantagepoint desktop application.
Address Line 1 - 4 Enter address information.
Country Select the country associated with the firm's address.
Allow No Format Select this check box to allow users to choose Do not format when they enter a phone number. This gives them the option to enter a phone number in a format other than one of the defined formats.
Default Country Select the country associated with the phone number format you want to use as the default. This drop-down list contains all countries for which you have defined one or more phone number formats on the Lists form (in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists).
Default Description If more than one format exists for the country in Default Country, select the format you want to use as the default for phone number fields for the company.

Enabled Languages Section

Use these options to specify the languages that are available for selection in Vantagepoint. This includes the Language option on the Vantagepoint login screen, as well as the Language options on various forms throughout the application.

If more than one language is in use, you can specify a primary language for new employee records. This is the language that displays when a user logs in to the browser initially, as well as the default language for email and workflow notifications.

If only one language is specified, that language is used when you log in and the Language option does not display on the Login screen.

If no primary language is specified, the language most recently used at login time is used. If that language is not available, the language that is specified for the browser settings is used. If that language is not detectable, Vantagepoint defaults to the first available allowed language in the list.

Field Description
Language This column displays the names of the languages that are currently enabled. To enable more languages, use the + Add Language option to open the Language lookup and select from the languages that are available for your role. The languages that you enable are then available for selection in the Language options in the Employees hub and Settings > Workflow.
Primary Language Select the language that is used as the default language for a new employee record. This is the language that displays for the employee upon initial login, as well as the default language for email and workflow notifications.