Key Performance Indicators Tab of the Analysis Cubes Form

Use the grids on the Key Performance Indicators tab to create specific and measurable performance goals for the project data cubes.

In the Key Performance Indicators grid on this tab, you enter each KPI. If a KPI has exceptions, you enter specific (override) goals for individual records in the Specific Goals grid.

Whenever you create or modify KPIs or specific goals, these changes must be applied in the PowerShell script to be available in Analysis Cubes.

If your firm uses the Vantagepoint on-premises product, contact your system administrator to run a refresh of the Analysis Cubes.

If your firm uses the Vantagepoint Cloud product, contact your system administrator to submit an Analysis Cubes Refresh service request to the Deltek Cloud Ops.


Key Performance Indicators Grid

Field Description
Measure Use this option to select a measure for the KPI.

When you create a KPI, the measure that you select in this grid must also be selected on the Measures tab of the Analysis Cubes form to populate the data cubes. You cannot change this field once saved.

Measure Type Use this option to determine whether the measure amount will be treated as a multiplier, numeric amount, or percentage. For example, if you select Percent and you enter 25 in the Default Goal, 25 is treated as 25%.
  • Multiplier: Select this if a measure is a multiplier. When you select this type, columns 1 to 12 are disabled in the Specific Goals grid. You cannot break out the annual goal into periods.

    Effective Multiplier and Profit Percent are examples of measures that could have a Multiplier measure type.

  • Numeric/Amount: Select this if a measure is a monetary amount. When you select this type, columns 1 to 12 are enabled in the Specific Goals grid. You can break out the annual goal amount into periods.

    Profit, Revenue, and Billed are examples of measures that could have a Numeric/Amount measure type.

  • Percent: Select this if a measure is a percentage. The number that you enter in the Default Goal field is divided by 100 to reflect a percentage. When you select Percent, columns 1 to 12 are disabled in the Specific Goals grid. You cannot break out the annual goal into periods.

    Profit Percent and Variance Percent are examples of measures that could have a Percent measure type.

You cannot change this field once saved.

Dimension Use this option to select from the available Project dimensions for the KPI.

You can select the same measure and dimension combinations for more than one KPI. These KPIs must have a different label entered in the Label column.

To create an overall system goal, leave the Dimension field blank. When you do this, you must enter a default goal for the KPI.

You cannot change this field once saved.

Label This field displays the label that is used to identify a KPI. This field prefills with the measure name and dimension name with a hyphen between them. An example is Compensation - Project Principal, where Compensation is a measure and Project Principal is a dimension.

You can select the same measure and dimension combinations for more than one KPI, as long as each of the KPIs has a different label.

You can change the prefilled label and enter a unique name for each KPI.

After you save a KPI, you cannot change the label. If you want to change the label, you can copy the row, enter a new label, and then delete the original row.

Timeframe Use this option to specify a time frame for the KPI.
  • Fiscal Period: When you select this option, you must select a dimension from the Fiscal Periods group when you create a report.
  • Transaction Date: When you select this option, you must select a dimension from the Transaction Dates group when you create a report. Use the Transaction Date time frame when a KPI's measure is from the Opportunities, Plans, or Activities measure groups.

You cannot change this field once saved.

Default Goal Use this field to enter the default goal amount for the KPI. An entry in this field is optional.

If you set the Timeframe option to Fiscal Period, enter the yearly goal amount. When you create a custom report, you must select a dimension from the Fiscal Period dimension group. This determines whether the default goal displays as a yearly, quarterly, or period amount on the report.

For example, assume you set the Timeframe option to Fiscal Period, enter 100,000 in this Default Goal field, and then create a report with the KPI.

  • If you select the Fiscal Year dimension from the Fiscal Period dimension group on the report, the goal on the report displays as 100,000.
  • If you select the Fiscal Quarter dimension for the report, the goal displays as 25,000 for each quarter.
  • If you select the Fiscal Period dimension for the report, the goal displays as 8,333.33 for each period (if you have 12 periods in a year).
Status Method Use this option to specify the status method for the Default Goal Low Value and the Default Goal High Value for the KPI. This setting also applies for the Goal Low Value and Goal High Value for any specific goals that you enter in the Specific Goals grid.
  • Amount-Based: Select this option to enter specific amounts (instead of percentages) for the values that you enter in the Default Goal Low Value and Default Goal High Value columns in the grid. These values are the lower and upper boundaries of the goal.

    For example, a default goal of 25,000 could have a default goal low value of 10,000 and a default goal high value of 40,000.

  • Percent of Goal: Select this option and then enter percentages for the values in the Default Goal Low Value and Default Goal High Value columns in the grid. These values are the lower and upper boundaries of the goal.

    For example, a default goal of 25,000 could have a default goal low value of 70% (70% of 25,000 is 17,500) and a default goal high value of 95% (95% of 25,000 = 23,750).

You cannot change this field once saved.

Default Goal Low Value Use this field to enter the lower limit of the default goal that is appropriate for the measure. An entry in this field is optional.

You can enter either a percentage or an amount, depending on which one you selected in the Status Method column.

For example, you selected Percent of Goal in the Status Method field. You are measuring revenue. You make these entries:

  • Default goal = $20,000
  • Default goal low value = 70% (which is $14,000)
  • Default goal high value = 110% (which is $22,000).


  • Revenue is less than $14,000. The goal is not met.
  • Revenue is greater than $22,000. The goal is exceeded.
  • Revenue is an amount between $14,000 and $22,000. The goal is met.
Default Goal High Value Use this field to enter the higher limit of the default goal that is appropriate for the measure. An entry in this field is optional.

You can enter either a percentage or an amount, depending on which one you selected in the Status Method column.

Trend Comparison Use this option to specify a time period for the trend comparison for the KPI.
  • Quarter over Quarter: Select this to compare a quarter in one year with the same quarter in the next year. For example, you compare Quarter 1 of 2020 with Quarter 1 of 2021.
  • Quarter-to-Quarter: Select this to compare one quarter with the next sequential quarter. For example, you compare Quarter 1 of 2021 with Quarter 2 of 2021.
  • Year-to-Year: Select this to compare a range of years.

When you create a report in Excel, you must select a corresponding dimension from the Fiscal Periods group in the Excel PivotTable Field List that matches the entry in this Trend Comparison field.

Trend Low Percent Use this field to enter the trend's low percentage. You must enter a percentage that is lower than what you enter in the Trend High Percent field. An entry in this field is optional.

This percentage is used to determine if a trend is moving downward.

  • If the change between the last time frame and the current time frame is a decrease, and the decrease is more than the percentage entered in this field, then the trend is considered to be moving downward.
  • If the change between the last time frame and the current time frame is a decrease, and the decrease is less than the percentage entered in this field, then the trend is considered to be neutral.

Example for Trending downward:

  • The Trend Low Percent is 2.00.
  • Year 2020 Revenue for David = $250,000. Year 2021 Revenue for David = $240,000.
  • $250,000 minus $240,000 is a $10,000 decrease.
  • $10,000 is more than a 2% decrease ($250,000 *.02 = $5,000).
  • Going from $250,000 to $240,000 is considered to be trending downward.

Example for Trending neutral:

  • The Trend Low Percent is 2.00.
  • Year 2020 Revenue for David = $250,000. Year 2021 Revenue for David = $247,000.
  • $250,000 minus $247,000 is $3,000 decrease.
  • $3,000 is less than a 2% decrease ($250,000 *.02 = $5,000).
  • Going from $250,000 to $247,000 is not considered to be trending downward. It is considered to be trending neutral.
Trend High Percent Use this field to enter the trend's high percentage. You must enter a percentage that is higher than what you enter in the Trend Low Percent field. An entry in this field is optional.

This percentage is used to determine if a trend is moving upward.

  • If the change between the last time frame and the current time frame is an increase, and the increase is greater than the percentage entered in this field, then the trend is considered to be moving upward.
  • If the change between the last time frame and the current time frame is an increase, and the increase is less than the percentage entered in this field, then the trend is considered to be neutral.

Example for Trending upward:

  • The Trend High Percent is 5.00.
  • Year 2020 Revenue for David = $250,000. Year 2021 Revenue for David = $280,000.
  • $280,000 minus $250,000 is a $30,000 increase.
  • $30,000 is more than a 5% increase ($250,000 *.05 = $12,500.)
  • Going from $250,000 to $280,000 is considered to be trending upward.

Example for Trending neutral:

  • The Trend High Percent is 5.00.
  • Year 2020 Revenue for David = $250,000. Year 2021 Revenue for David = $260,000.
  • $260,000 minus $250,000 is a $10,000 increase.
  • $10,000 is less than a 5% increase ($250,000 *.05 = $12,500.)
  • Going from $250,000 to $260,000 is not considered to be trending upward. It is considered to be trending neutral.
Click this button to display the following options:
  • Copy: Select a row in the Key Performance Indicators grid that you want to copy and then click this option to copy the row's information into a new row below it. The entry in the Label field for a row does not get copied.
  • Delete: Select a row in the Key Performance Indicators grid that you want to delete and then click this option to remove it from the grid.

    When you delete a row from the Key Performance Indicators grid, the related rows in the Specific Goals grid are also deleted. You may receive errors when you view or publish a workbook that uses this KPI.

New KPI Click this option to enter a new KPI in the grid.

Specific Goals Grid

Use this grid to enter specific (override) goals for individual dimension records. For example, if Employee is the dimension entered in the Key Performance Indicators grid, you can enter goals for individual employees in the Specific Goals grid. These settings override the default goal for all employees that is entered in the Key Performance Indicators grid for these specific employees.

The Specific Goals grid is enabled only after you enter a measure, measure type, and dimension for a KPI in the Key Performance Indicators grid. Select a KPI in the Key Performance Indicators grid and then click New Goal to insert a new row in the Specific Goals grid.

Field Description
Distribute Annual Click this option to equally distribute the total goal amount that you entered in the Annual Goal field among the 12 period columns in a row.

For example, you enter $12,000 in the Annual Goal field. When you click the Distribute Annual option, $1,000 populates in each of the 12 period fields of a goal.

Alternatively, you can leave the Annual Goal field blank and enter amounts in each of the 12 period columns in the Specific Goals grid. Click the Reset Annual option to have the total of the 12 period columns entered automatically in the Annual Goal field in the Specific Goals grid.

Reset Annual If you enter an amount in each of the 12 period fields of a dimension record's goal, click this option to have the total amount of the 12 periods entered automatically in the Annual Goal field.
Dimension Record Use this option to select the dimension record. The list that displays depends on the dimension that you enter in the Dimension field in the Key Performance Indicators grid.

For example, if you select Employee in the Dimension field in the Key Performance Indicators grid, the Employee Lookup dialog box displays. Select a specific employee.

If you did not enter a dimension in the Key Performance Indicators grid, you cannot enter a dimension record in this field.

Year Use this option to select a year if the KPI goal is for a specific year.

When you leave this blank, the goal entered in this row applies for all years (accounting periods).

To enter a different goal for different years, enter a separate row in this grid for each year. Any year not entered in the Specific Goals grid would use the default goal from the Key Performance Indicators grid.

Annual Goal Use this field to enter the total goal amount for a specific dimension record. An entry in this field is optional.

The number in the Annual Goal field overrides the amount entered in the Default Goal field in the Key Performance Indicators grid for this dimension.

For example, assume that you create a KPI to measure the project revenue per project manager. In the Default Goal field of the Key Performance Indicator grid, you enter $100,000, the revenue goal for all project managers. In the Annual Goal field in the Specific Goals grid, you enter a revenue goal of $80,000 for David Miller, a new project manager. The revenue goal of $80,000 overrides the revenue goal of $100,000 for David. Every other project manager has a revenue goal of $100,000.

After you enter an amount, click the Distribute Annual option to have the total amount in the Annual Goal field automatically distributed equally among the 12 period columns in the Specific Goals grid.

Alternatively, you can leave the Annual Goal field blank, and enter amounts in each of the 12 period columns in the Specific Goals grid. Click the Reset Annual option to have the total of the 12 period columns entered automatically in the Annual Goal field in the Specific Goals grid.

The annual goal must equal the total of the amounts in the 12 columns.

Goal Low Value Use this field to enter the lower limit of the annual goal entered in this grid. An entry in this field is optional. The number that you enter in this field overrides the amount entered in the Default Goal Low Value field in the Key Performance Indicators grid for this dimension record.
Goal High Value Use this field to enter the higher limit of the annual goal entered in this grid. An entry in this field is optional. The number that you enter in this field overrides the amount entered in the Default Goal High Value field in the Key Performance Indicators grid for the dimension record.
Columns 1 – 12 In the Key Performance Indicators grid, if you set the Measure Type field to Numeric/Amount, twelve period columns (labeled 1 - 12) are enabled for the goal in the Specific Goals grid.

To populate these fields, you can do either of the following:

  • Enter the total annual amount in the Annual Goal field and then click the Distribute Annual option. This equally divides the total goal amount over the 12 period columns.
  • If the goals for each period vary, enter specific amounts directly in each of the 12 columns and then click the Reset Annual option. This generates the total of the amounts in the 12 period columns and prefills the Annual Goal field.

You must allocate the yearly goal over the 12 periods for the quarterly or monthly goal to display on an Excel report. Quarterly, monthly, and accounting period goals are not calculated from the Annual Goal amount.

New Goal Click this option to add a specific goal to the KPI. A blank row is inserted into the Specific Goals grid.
Click this button to display the following options:
  • Copy: Select a row in the Specific Goals grid that you want to copy and then click this option to copy the row's information into a new row below it.
  • Delete: Select a row in the Specific Goals grid that you want to delete and then click this option to remove it from the grid.

    When you delete a row in the Specific Goals grid, you may receive errors when you view or publish a workbook that uses this goal.