Ship Tab of Purchasing and Inventory Company Settings Form

Use the Ship tab to enter the ship-to, ship-via, and free-on-board codes for each company in your enterprise.

Ship-To Grid

Use the Ship-To grid to enter the ship-to codes for each company. After you define each company's ship-to codes, you can specify the default Ship-To code on the General tab. Vantagepoint uses this ship-to address on the Shipping tab when you create a new purchase order.

Field Description
Insert Click this option in the grid toolbar to add a row to the grid.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option in the grid toolbar to add a copy of the row to the grid.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option in the grid toolbar.
Code Enter a descriptive identifier for the ship-to firm.
Name Enter the name of the ship-to firm.
Address 1 Enter the first line of the firm's address.
Address 2 Enter the second line of the firm's address.
Address 3 Enter the third line of the firm's address.
Address 4 Enter the fourth line of the firm's address.
City Enter the firm's city.
State Enter the firm's state.
Zip Enter the firm's ZIP code.
Country Enter the firm's country.

Enter the firm's telephone number.

When you click the ellipsis ... on a phone number, the Phone Format Selection dialog displays. The dialog shows the usual country, description, and format for phone numbers. To change this format, select a different format for this record's phone numbers. You can also change the format of any phone number field in Vantagepoint.


Enter the firm's facsimile transmission number.

When you click the ellipsis ... on a phone number, the Phone Format Selection dialog displays. It shows the usual country, description, and format for phone numbers. To change this format, select a different format for this record's phone numbers. You can also change the format of any phone number field in Vantagepoint.

Contact Enter the name of the firm's contact person.
E-mail Enter the firm's or contact's email address.
Tax Code This field displays whether or not you have the Tax Auditing feature enabled (on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

Select a tax code from the drop-down list. The list includes only the tax codes that are entered in Settings > Accounting > Taxes with an active status and the Available for Purchasing check box selected.

Tax-2 Code This field displays only if you have the Tax Auditing feature enabled on the Tax Auditing tab in Settings > Accounting > Company.

Select a tax code from the drop-down list. The list includes only the tax codes that are entered in Settings > Accounting > Taxes with an active status and the Available for Purchasing check box selected.

Ship-Via Grid

Use the Ship-Via grid to enter ship-via codes for each company.

Field Description
Insert Click this option on the grid toolbar to add a row to the grid.
Copy Click a row to copy, and then click this option on the grid toolbar to add a copy of the row to the grid.
Delete Click a row to delete, and then click this option on the grid toolbar to delete it.
Code Enter an identifier for this shipping carrier, to display in drop-down lists.
Description Enter a description for the shipping carrier.

FOB Grid

Use the FOB grid to enter the free on board codes for each company. Free on board terms specify who selects the shipping carrier, who must pay the shipping expenses, and who has title to the items during shipping.

Field Description
Insert Click this option on the grid toolbar to add a row to the grid.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option on the grid toolbar to add a copy of the row to the grid.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option on the grid toolbar.
Code Enter a descriptive identifier for the free on board code. This displays in drop-down lists.
Description Enter a description for the code.