Apply KPIs to Workbooks

You apply key performance indicators (KPIs) to your workbooks on the Intelligence form.

To apply KPIs to a workbook:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > General > Intelligence.
  2. Click the Apply KPIs button.
  3. On the Apply KPIs dialog box, click Open to select the workbook file to which the KPIs will be applied.
    The dialog box closes and the Workbook File field is filled in with the path of the workbook file.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. In response to the confirmation prompt, click Yes to process the workbook file or click No to cancel.
    • If you click Yes, you will not be able to use Vantagepoint while the KPIs are applied to your workbook. The processed workbook file is saved in the location defined by your browser. Vantagepoint adds the "-Processed" label to the end of the workbook file name to differentiate the processed file from the original workbook.
    • If you click No, the dialog box closes.