Create a Credit Card Statement

Creating a credit card statement makes it possible to reconcile the credit card charges from your credit card company with expenses that you enter in Vantagepoint that were paid with the company-issued credit card.

Prerequisites: You must set up a primary credit card in Settings > Cash Management > Credit Cards before you can create a statement for it.

Before you import credit card charges, you must create a statement into which the charges can be imported.

To create a credit card statement:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation.
  2. On the Credit Card Reconciliation form, click + New Statement.
  3. On the New Statement dialog box, enter the following information:
    1. In the Credit Card Name field, select the primary credit card for which you are creating the statement.
    2. In the New Statement Date field, enter the expected date for the statement closing or enter the beginning date of the statement.
      This date is the identifier for the statement. You can change the statement date at any time using the Modify Date button on this dialog box.
    3. In the Date Range fields, enter the range of dates to determine which expenses from expense reports and AP disbursements that were paid by company-issued credit card will be included in the statement.
    4. In the Beginning Balance field, enter the opening balance of the credit card statement.
      This is any unpaid carryover balance from prior statements. If your statement was paid in full in the prior month, enter zero as the opening balance. At any time while the statement is open (before the statement is reconciled and closed), you can change the opening balance in this field or in the Statement Beginning Balance field on the Summary tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form.
    5. In the Ending Balance field, enter the closing balance of the credit card statement, if you know it.
      At any time while the statement is open (before the statement is reconciled and closed), you can change the closing balance in this field or in the Statement Ending Balance field on the Summary tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form.
  4. Click Save.
If you import charges from your credit card company for this primary credit card, you can begin importing charges into this statement.