Set Up Custom Templates

You can create custom templates for payroll with Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services report writing tools. Contact the Vantagepoint Custom Programming Group or Support for more information.

If you add custom check templates for payroll, then their actual file names display in the Check Template drop-down list on the Checks tab in Settings > Payroll > General.

To have Vantagepoint recognize that these names are check templates for inclusion in the drop-down list:

  1. Store check template files in the Vantagepoint \Reports\Custom\Check folder.
    The Check folder does not have to be directly under the Custom folder. You can have other folders between the Custom and the Check folders (for example:  \Reports\Custom\<XXXXX>\Check).
  2. Use the following naming convention for the check template file:
    • CheckPY_UniqueName_Custom.rdl
    • EarningsHourly_Three.rdl
  3. Because a check template utilizes multiple sub-reports, when you create and copy a custom check report into the Vantagepoint \Reports\Custom\Check folder, you must also copy the following sub-report files into the same Check folder:
    • EarningsHourly_Three.rdl
    • EarningsHourly_Two.rdl
    • WithholdingDetails_Three.rdl
    • WithholdingDetails_Two.rdl
    • DirectDepositDetails_Three.rdl
    • DirectDepositDetails_Two.rdl
    • BenefitDetails_Three.rdl
    • BenefitDetails_Two.rdl
    You can modify these sub-reports if necessary, but you must not rename them. When the custom template is used to print a payroll check, the system looks for these sub-reports in the Check folder.
  4. To load the main custom check report and its sub-reports to the report server, click Utilities > Report Administration and complete the required information on the Load Reports tab.
    Be sure to select Custom in the Type field.

    The Loaded Reports grid shows only the main custom report because the grid is set to hide the sub-reports.