Contents of the Timesheet Due Alert Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to set up timesheet due alerts based on a new or existing rule.


Field Description
Save Rule Click this option to save the changes in the settings for the alert without closing the dialog box. (This option is disabled if there are no changes to be saved.)
+ Add Rule Click this option to add a new alert rule. On the Add Rule dialog box, enter a unique alert rule name for the new alert and click OK to close the Add Rule dialog box. The new rule name is displayed in the Alert Rule field.
Copy Rule Select an alert rule in the grid with settings that you want to copy into a new alert rule and then click Copy. On the Copy Rule dialog box, enter a unique alert rule name for the new alert rule and click OK to close the Copy Rule dialog box. The new rule name is displayed in the Alert Rule field with the same settings as the alert that you copied.
Delete Rule Select a rule and click this option to delete it.
Field Description
Alert Rule This field displays the name of an alert rule that was previously created. If you are creating a new alert rule, click Add Rule on the toolbar and enter the new alert rule name on the Add Rule dialog box. Each alert rule name must be unique.
Employee Groups Select the employee group for which you want to apply a new rule for the alert. If you have already created rules, select the employee group for which you want to view or modify existing rules. After you enter an employee group in this field, the grid on the dialog box displays all the alert rules that are set up for the selected employee group.

When you select [All Groups], the rules that you create for the alert will apply globally for all employee groups, and you do not have to create the same rules individually for each group.

Languages This field displays if your firm uses multiple languages. Use this to select the language for this alert. Only employees with the selected language receive the alert. However, if you leave this field blank, all employees receive this alert regardless of their designated language. For example, if you create an email alert for English US and English UK, then only the users that have English US or English UK in the Language field in the Employees hub receive that message. The system administrator must set up a separate alert rule for Spanish employees to receive a message in Spanish. The Language field displays <languages selected> if any languages are selected.

Due Date Options

You can select one or more of these options.

Field Description
Send alert on due date Select this option if you want an alert to be sent on the day that the timesheet is due.
Send alerts x days before due date Select this option if you want an alert to be sent the specified number of days before the timesheet is due.
Send alerts x days after due date Select this option if you want an alert to be sent on the specified number of days after the timesheet is due.
Time of day to send alert Select the time of day when you want an alert to be sent. The time that you enter is for the time zone in which the Vantagepoint server is located.

Delivery Options

Select one or both of these check boxes.

Field Description
Email Select this check box to send the alert by email to employees.
Notification Center Select this check box to send the alert to employees via the Notification Center.

Status Options

You can select one or more of these options.

Field Description
Missing Select this option if you want Vantagepoint to send an alert only for those timesheets that have a status of Missing.
In progress Select this option if you want Vantagepoint to send an alert only for those timesheets that have a status of In Progress.
Submitted Select this option if you want Vantagepoint to send an alert only for those timesheets that have a status of Submitted.
Approved Select this option if you want Vantagepoint to send an alert only for those timesheets that have a status of Approved.


If you select the Email check box in the Delivery Options section, the fields in this section are enabled.

Field Description
Subject Enter the subject for the email message.
Message Enter the email message in this field. Click at the upper right side of the field to display a toolbar with formatting options that you can use to change the formatting of the email message.
Field Description
Save and Close Click this option to save the configuration that you've made for the alerts and close the dialog box. This option is disabled if there are no changes to be saved in the alert rule. You can click Cancel to close the dialog box instead.
Cancel Click this option to close the dialog box without saving any changes made to the alerts.