Contents of the Expression Configuration for Auto Numbering Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to create new identification numbers automatically, based on existing fields in the selected hub.

Field Description
Charge Type This drop-down list is only available for the Projects hub and only when Accounting is enabled. Select Overhead, Regular, or Promotional and create different auto numbering rules for each charge type.
Field Description
+ New Row Click this option to open a blank row on the grid. You can have a maximum of five rows in the Auto Number Format grid.
X Select a row and click this option to delete it from the grid. You must confirm the deletion.
Item Select the field to use as a basis for the auto number.
Default Value Description

Enter a default value description for the item. If you select a default value from a code table, this field automatically populates with the description of that value. This field gives meaning to your entry in the Default Value field. If you base the field on any other type of field, then this field is required and you can enter any text.

Default Value

Enter the default value for the item. This value displays in the appropriate position in the auto number sample. The default value is used in the auto number when that item is blank for that record, or if the value in that item is not listed in Map Values.

For example, if the auto number is based on Project Type and a record has no value in the Project Type field, then the default value is used.

If the default value that you select is from a list in Settings, Vantagepoint automatically populates the Default Value Description field with the description of that value. For example, if you base a number on the States list and choose MD as the Default Value, then Maryland displays as the description.

Actual Length This field displays the length, in characters, of the selected Item.
Start Position

Enter the position at which Vantagepoint begins populating the number. For example, if you enter 3, then the first two characters of the item are ignored and the auto number begins populating with the third character.

This field is disabled if values are established in the Map Values column.

Length Used in Number

This field defaults to the actual length used for the number. You can modify this length, to use only part of the field in the code. This field's maximum is equal to the length that you specify in the Actual Length field.

This field is disabled if values are established in the Map Values column.

Map Values

Use this field to map values for lookups, drop-downs, check boxes, and the current month and year. You map values to create a relationship between data, where Vantagepoint substitutes the map value instead of the actual value entered in a field. This enables better customization of the auto number to match your business requirements.

When values are mapped, the Length Used in Number and Start Position grid columns are disabled and remain disabled until the value in the Map Values field is removed.

Click to access the Value Map dialog box, which you use to define the values and associated numbers to merge into a code. The grid has two columns:

  • Value in Vantagepoint: Click to access the lookup related to the current item in the Auto Number Format grid. Select the value that you want to map.
  • Value for Use in Number: Enter a value for each Vantagepoint value that is listed. You can enter the same value for multiple values, to merge them into one code. For example, you can specify the value ED for the education project types, K-12 and College.

After you map and save the values, the Map Value column displays <Values Mapped>.

The user can delete rows from this grid if the default value should be used for that value.

Reset Sequence

Use this option to determine if a given field is used when resetting the numbering sequence. For example, If the auto number is based on the project type and the Reset Sequence option is selected, then the Auto Number resets when the project type changes.

Project Type Auto Number
Project 1 HC HC000
Project 2 HC HC001
Project 3 ED ED000
Project 4 ED ED001
Project 5 XR XR000

However, for the same projects, if the Reset Sequence option is not selected, the auto numbering is sequential regardless of the project type.

Project Type Auto Number
Project 1 HC HC000
Project 2 HC HC001
Project 3 ED ED002
Project 4 ED ED003
Project 5 XR XR004
Sequence Number Length

A sequential number is always added to the end of the auto number. This number is calculated by taking the hub number length, set via the Key Format utility, and subtracting the sum of characters specified in the length used in the number. You can enter a new value in this field, but the value must result in the total number of characters equal to the specified maximum length for the hub number.

Starting Sequence Number Enter a number to use as the starting number for the sequence.
Sequence Number Position Enter the number that corresponds to the position where the sequence number starts.
Sample Value This field displays a sample value of the auto number, based on the formats entered in the Auto Number Format grid. As you make changes to the rows in the grid, this field updates to reflect those changes.