Fee Remaining Report Options Tab

The Options tab gives you additional control over the data displayed on the Fee Remaining report.


Field Description
Include Project/Phase/Task Info

By default, the report has four columns: Fee, Percent Complete, Previous Fee, and Fee Remaining.

Select this check box to display the following additional information for each project, phase, and task:

  • Principal
  • Client
  • Compensation
  • Project Manager
  • Revenue Type
  • Total Job-to-Date Billed
  • Supervisor
  • Fee Method
  • Fee Job-to-Date Billed
  • Fee Basis
Exclude Completed Project/Phase/Task Select this check box if you do not want completed projects, phases, or tasks included in the report. A project with phases or tasks is completed only if all items at lower levels of the work breakdown structure (WBS) are completed.