All Transactions or Only Those in a Date Range

You can include all posted time transactions in a Payroll run or include only those timesheet transactions that fall within a date range that you specify.

If you need to switch to a different method after you begin processing payroll, Deltek recommends that you wait until the end of a payroll processing period to make the switch.

Method Description
Include All Posted Time Transactions in a Payroll Run When you run payroll, Vantagepoint includes posted timesheets since the last payroll was run. To use this method be sure that the following option is not selected on the Payroll Setup form:

Enable date ranges for regular hours and overtime hours.

To exclude posted hours from a payroll run when using this method of timesheet selection, you must modify the pay hours during payroll processing.

Include Posted Time Transactions Within a Specified Date Range When you run payroll, Vantagepoint compares posted time transaction dates to a date range you specify on the General tab of the Payroll Processing form, and includes only those transactions within the date range. To use this method your company must select Enable date ranges for regular hours and overtime hours from Payroll Setup.

You may want to use this method in the following situations:

  • You want the flexibility of having a timesheet posting cycle separate from your pay cycle. Since you specify the date range, you can have posted timesheets that are not included in the payroll run.
  • Your company processes payroll for regular hours and overtime hours on a separate cycle. This method allows you to specify a separate range of dates for your regular and overtime payrolls, and run both simultaneously.

To adjust hours for payroll with the Enable date ranges for regular hours and overtime hours option selected, you must post an adjustment timesheet. You cannot overwrite hours from the payroll processing form if this feature is enabled.