Columns for the Time Analysis Report

Refer to the following for a list of available columns for this report.


Field Description
Absence This column displays the absence hours taken or the cost of absence hours taken.
Direct This column displays the direct hours worked or the cost of direct hours worked. Direct hours are posted to regular projects for the time frame that you specified in the report options.
Direct/ (Std-Absence) Ratio E

This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / (Standard hours - Absence hours)

Direct/ (Total-Absence) Ratio B

This column displays the Net Chargeable Ratio. This ratio excludes absence hours. This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / (Total hours - Absence hours)

Direct / Std Ratio D

This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / Standard hours

Direct/Total Ratio A

This column displays the Gross Chargeable Ratio. This ratio is calculated as follows:

Direct hours / Total hours

Home Company This column displays the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.
Indirect This column displays the indirect hours worked or the cost of indirect hours worked. Indirect hours are posted to promotional or overhead projects for the time frame that you specified in the report options.
Non-Billable Hours

This column displays non-billable hours for the employee.

Non-billable hours are calculated by comparing the labor codes for timesheets to the non-billable labor code in Settings > Billing > Options.

Other This column displays the hours spent on other tasks or the cost of those hours. When it is included on the report, the Other column is always displayed as the last column.
Provisional Billing Rate This column displays only if you enabled the Employee Realization Reporting feature. This is the provisional billing rate for an employee that is entered on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub. This is the rate used to calculate realization hours.
Provisional Cost Rate This column displays the cost rate used to calculate labor charges at cost for unposted timesheet entries for the employee. This column is only available if your security role has access to employee cost rates.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Standard This column displays the standard hours or the cost of those hours. The report includes this column if you select Include Standard Hours Column on the Options tab.
Target Ratio C

This column displays the Target Ratio. This ratio is the percentage of an employee's time that you expect to be charged to projects that produce revenue.

You specify the target ratio in the General Accounting section of the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.

Total This column displays the total number of hours worked or the total cost of hours worked.