Screen Designer and Compound Components

In Screen Designer, you can set the properties for a compound component as a whole, or set the properties for the individual fields that make up a compound component.

What Are Compound Components

The following are compound components:

  • Grids, which have multiple columns (fields).
  • Standard Vantagepoint fields that are made up of a group of related fields.

The following are examples of standard Vantagepoint fields that are made up of a group of related fields:

  • The Location field for a project in the Projects hub. This compound component is made up of the following related fields: Address, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, Country, and more.
  • The Full Name field for an employee in the Employees hub. This compound component is made up of the following related fields: First Name, Middle Name Last Name, Preferred Name, Salutation, and more.

Changing Properties for Compound Components

When you select a grid or compound component field, such as the Project hub's Location field on the Screen Designer form in Screen Designer, you have two options for changing its properties:

  • Change the properties for the grid or the compound field as a whole (the properties for the grid/compound field will be applied to all the fields that makes up the compound component): Do this in Screen Designer by selecting the compound component and then changing a property in the Grid Properties pane or Field Properties pane.
  • Change the properties on a field-by-field basis for each field that makes up a grid or compound field (each field's properties can be different): Do this by selecting a grid or a compound field on the Screen Designer form. Then click to the right of the Field Type field name in the Grid Properties pane or the Field Properties pane. In the Grid Settings dialog box for Field Settings dialog box, change the field properties individually for each field in the grid or compound field.

Changing the Required Property of a Compound Component

In the Field or Grid Properties section of the Screen Designer form, you cannot set a compound component to be required. The Required field does not display for compound components. However, you may be able to set the individual fields that make up a compound component to be required if the compound component supports the ability to set properties at the individual field level.