Set Up Account Status Messages

After you determine the status of an account (active, inactive, or dormant), you specify a corresponding status message that displays to users who attempt to use that account for data entry.

The Label field in the Account Status grid on the General Ledger Options form indicates the status of each account: Active, Inactive, or Dormant. (You set an account's status on the Accounts form in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.)

You determine whether or not a message displays. You also specify the type of message that displays when users enter general ledger accounts throughout Vantagepoint. For example, to prevent users from entering an inactive account during data entry, select Error in the Message field for the Inactive label.

To set up account status messages:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > General Ledger > Options.
  2. In the Account Status grid of the Options form, select a message type from the Message drop-down list for each account status in the corresponding Label field. The options are:
    • None: No message displays, and the account can be used for data entry.
    • Warning: A message displays the account status, and the account can be used for data entry.
    • Error: A message displays the account status, and the account cannot be used for data entry.
  3. Click Save.