Accounting History

Unlike project history, which is optional, you must enter a certain amount of accounting history for Vantagepoint to operate correctly. For example, if you do not enter account balances, Vantagepoint cannot begin to generate a meaningful Balance Sheet or Income Statement.

At a minimum, you should enter the following accounting history before you begin processing transactions (or shortly thereafter).

  • Enter account balances in Utilities > History Loading > Account Balances. This will allow you to reconcile your Balance Sheet with your accounts receivable and accounts payable sub-ledgers.
  • Enter accounts receivable history in Utilities > History Loading > Invoice and Receipt. This will allow you to enter cash receipts against outstanding invoices.
  • Enter accounts payable history in Utilities > History Loading > Accounts Payable. This will allow you to pay vendors for outstanding vouchers.

When deciding how much accounting history to enter, you should also consider the following:

  • If you do not enter full invoice and receipt history, you will not have a complete Accounts Receivable Ledger or job-to-date amounts on the Office Earnings report, and Vantagepoint may not have sufficient data to run Revenue Generation.
  • If you do not enter full accounts payable voucher history, you will not have a complete Accounts Payable Voucher report.