Committed Expenses

The cost of a purchased item, service, or capital expenditure appears on a project's financial statements after the voucher payment file is posted. Use the committed expense feature to view these costs before they are vouchered and paid.

When you final print a purchase order, Vantagepoint creates a committed expense for each of its line items. ("Final print" means that a purchase order is printed from Purchasing and not from Reporting. The "final print" option is not available in Reporting.)

You can display a project's committed expenses on the Office Earnings or Project Detail reports, at cost rates or billing rates. For example, assume that your office creates a six-month series of purchase orders for supplies. After you final print those purchase orders, all six months' worth of committed expenses appear on the Office Earnings and Project Detail reports the next time that you run them (if you choose to display committed expenses).

Source of Cost Data

When you a final print a standard or service purchase order, Vantagepoint updates each associated project record with the item's or service's committed expenses, using the cost data from:

  • The purchase order's Default Distribution Tab, or
  • If specified differently for this item or service, from the Cost Distribution tab of the item's Line Detail dialog box.

Reverse a Committed Expense without Using a Voucher

Closing or canceling a purchase order reverses the committed expenses for all items in the purchase order. If you make a committed expense by error because you final print a purchase order in error, you must create a change order to reverse the committed expense.

Create an Expense Transaction for the Income Statement

To display committed expenses on a project's Income Statement, you must create a voucher in Transaction Center > Create Voucher from PO, in the desktop application.

When you post the voucher payment file,Vantagepoint:

  • Reverses each item's committed expense.
  • Makes an expense transaction in Accounting.
  • Posts the amount to the applicable Income Statement account.

Undo Posting Utility

Use Utilities > Transactions > Undo Posting to exclude accounts payable voucher transactions that were made inTransaction Center > Create Voucher from PO in the desktop application.

Project Planning

Information will be provided in a future release.

If you use the Purchasing application, the Show Committed PO Expenses option displays on the General tab of Project Planning.

Select this option to display a project's committed expenses on the plan's Expenses and Consultants tabs. The plan tabs display committed expenses in dark cyan immediately after the purchase order is final printed. When the voucher is posted in in Transaction Center > Create Voucher from PO, in the desktop application, the committed expenses display in the same way as any other planning expenses.

Committed Expense at Billing Rates

When a purchase order is final printed, its committed expenses can display at cost or at billing rates on the Office Earnings Report and the Project Summary report.

For the committed expense's billing extension, the project or billing currency displays, depending on whether the Use Billing Currency not Project Currency option is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

To specify how to display committed expenses at billing rates, use the Consultant Multiplier and Reimbursable Multiplier fields in the Purchasing Commitments section on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.

When you enter the estimated multiplier values in these fields, Vantagepoint uses them to calculate the committed expense for each item that can be charged to a project and that is identified as Billable on the purchase order's Default Distribution tab.

When you choose to show committed expenses at billing rates, Vantagepoint uses the following formula to calculate the committed expenses for items identified as Billable:

Committed Expense = Committed Cost * Multiplier