Add Logos and Images to Invoice Templates

You may want to add a logo or another image to an invoice template so that it appears on your invoices. You can place images in the header or footer portion of an invoice. You can also remove the box that says Invoice from the top left of the invoice.

To add an image to an invoice template:

  1. In the Navigation pane in the desktop application, select Settings > Billing > Invoice Template Editor.
  2. In the Search field on the Invoice Template Editor form, select the template.
  3. Click the Images tab and click Insert on the grid.
  4. In the Name field drop-down list, select a previously uploaded image.
  5. Click the Select column.
  6. Enter the margins, width, and height for the image.
    If you leave the Width or Height fields blank, Vantagepoint interprets the width or height to be zero and the image does not display.
  7. In the Location field, specify where the image is displayed on the invoice:
    • Page 1 header: The image appears only in the header of the first invoice page.
    • Page 2 header: The image appears only in the header of the second invoice page.
    • Footer: The image appears in the footer of all pages.

      If you want the same image to appear on the header of every page, create two rows in the grid, using the same image. Select Page 1 header for one and Page 2 header for the other.

  8. To remove the box that says Invoice from the invoice, clear the Show Invoice Box option on the General tab of the Invoice Template Editor.
  9. Click Save.