Contents of the Labels Form

Use the Labels form in Labels and Lists Settings to replace the default system labels with those that your firm uses.


Field Description
System Label This column displays the system labels for which you can specify alternate labels. Many terms have both a singular and a plural label. The labels in this column are the default labels and display for reference only. The labels in Custom Label are the labels that Vantagepoint actually uses.
Custom Label Initially, this column displays the default labels that Vantagepoint uses on its tabs, forms, and dialog boxes. To replace a default label with your own label, enter your label and its plural form in this column.

When the Vantagepoint Intelligence module is enabled for your company, each custom label must be unique for you to successfully build analysis cubes.

To search for a label based on the system label or your custom label, click this icon and enter search text in the fields that display above the grid columns.