Review User Licenses

If you have one or more Vantagepoint modules that are licensed for a certain number of named users, you can use the Review User Licenses dialog box to display the total number of licenses, the number of licenses currently in use, and the security roles that are using those licenses.

As you set up roles and users, you can use this information to see if you are nearing the maximum number of licensed users for a module. This information can also help you adjust role and user access if you receive a warning that the maximum number of users has been exceeded. For information on how Vantagepoint determines the number of licenses in use, see Managing Your Vantagepoint Licenses.

If you have no licenses based on named users, this option is not available.

To review user license information:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Security > Users or Settings > Security > Roles.
  2. On the Actions bar of the Roles form, click Other Actions > Review User Licenses.