Access to Transactions

In Role Security, you specify the types of transactions that each role can access, as well as the functions that the role can perform for each transaction type.

To specify a role's access to transactions, you use the Accounting tab of the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles. You can select Full Access to all Transaction Types, which allows access to all transaction types, or you can use the Transaction Types grid to select the types of transactions that the role can access. You also specify the functions that members of the role can perform when using the Transaction Center and related utilities.

When assigning specific rights, you can specify the following settings for each transaction type:

  • Enter: The user can create a new transaction file for the transaction type. The user can create records in transaction files, modify the contents of existing transaction files, set control totals, establish recurring transactions, delete transaction files, and unlock locked transaction files.
  • Report: The user can create a transaction list report and see and print posting logs for the transaction type.
  • Post: The user can post transaction files and print posting logs for the selected transaction type.
  • Company: If you have multiple companies, you can use the drop-down list in this column to limit the role's access rights to a single company. By default, this option is set to <All>, to provide access to all of the companies for which this role has access rights.