Billing Session Options

Use Billing Session Options in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, and Draft Invoice Approvals to select and view options that apply to the billing invoices that you are currently creating, reviewing, or approving.

Interactive Billing and Batch Billing

On the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing, you enter the following information that applies to the one or more invoices that you are creating:

  • Invoice date and period date range to print on the invoices (presentation dates)
  • Bill-through date or period to determine the transactions to include on invoices (transaction details)
  • Information for overhead projects
  • Final invoice processing information, such as the next invoice number to use and the invoice posting file name to use

In Interactive Billing, most of the entries and selections that you make on the Billing Session Options dialog box for a session are remembered and prefill in the dialog box for the next invoice session. The following fields are not remembered and do not prefill: Invoice File Name, Next Company Wide Invoice Number, and Diary.

Draft Invoice Approvals

If you use billing invoice approvals, when an invoice is submitted for approval, you can review and approve a submitted draft invoice in Hubs > Projects > Draft Invoice Approvals. In Draft Invoice Approvals, before you approve an invoice, you can view and change some of the settings and options that were originally entered on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing for the invoice. However, some fields on the dialog box are display-only fields that you cannot change.

If you need to change any of the display-only options on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Draft Invoice Approvals for a submitted invoice, you must first unsubmit the invoice. Then you can make different choices on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, process the invoice again, and start the approval process again.

The fields that you cannot change for an invoice on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Draft Invoice Approvals are the following:

  • Period Start / End Date
  • Bill-Through Date
  • Bill-Through Period
  • Show Non-Billables on Detail Tabs
  • Bill Scheduled Invoices Through
  • Invoice Addressee
  • Upload Report via SFTP

The Overhead Projects section and the Final Invoice Processing section on the Billing Session Options dialog box do not display when you open the dialog box from Draft Invoice Approvals.