Create a Purchasing Template

Purchasing comes with a template for generating purchase order and request for price quote forms. It is not shown on lookups or in drop-down lists.

It is not necessary to make purchase templates. Use the Purchase Template Editor when the installed template does not generate the content or layout that you want to show in purchase orders or requests for price quote forms.

After you make a template, the drop-down lists show it on the Buyers grid in Purchasing Configuration, and on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub. You assign your template to the buyers who are approved to use the template, and to the vendors whose purchasing documents must use them.

To create a new purchasing template:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Purchasing > Purchase Template Editor.
  2. On the toolbar of Purchase Template Editor form, click New > New Purchase Template.

    The Template form refreshes to show a <New Template> record.

  3. Complete the tabs on the form.
  4. To preview the effects of the template:
    1. On the toolbar, click Preview Template. The P.O. or RFQ Lookup displays the open purchase orders and requests for price quote that you made.

    2. Select the purchase order or request for price quote to preview with the new template. Vantagepoint generates a preview of the purchase order or request for price quote, for the item you selected.

    3. Examine the preview. If necessary, print it to ensure that the new template makes the form that you want. If it does not, modify it in the Purchase Template Editor, and then preview it again.

  5. After you get the results you want from the template, click Save.
    Vantagepoint adds each new template to these lists:
    • The PO Template field on the Buyers grid of the Buyer tab in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company.

    • The RFQ/PO Template field on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub.