Detail and List Views

Some hubs provide the option to view information in either a Detail view or List view.

The Detail View and List View icons that display on the toolbar in some of the hubs allow you to switch back and forth between the following views:

  • Detail View — This is the default view that displays when you open a hub application. All fields for a single hub record are displayed on the hub form. The detail view is the format that is described in help topics in the Help system. This view is designed for editing the contents of a single record.
  • List View — In this view, fields for hub records are displayed in columns in a grid rather than on separate tabs. In the grid, you can display and edit data for multiple hub records at one time,. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking at the top right of the grid.

    For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

    You can also expand the list view: Click to maximize the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.

    Use the list view to locate and evaluate hub data quickly. For example, you know that you have an in pursuit project that is associated with a particular contact, but you do not remember specific details. To locate the project, use the List View to filter the project records by contact. Then review the list to locate and open the record that you want to review.

The Hub records that you select using the Standard lookup or the Advanced lookup in the Search field on a Hub form display in the Detail and List Views.