Enable the Invoice Approval Feature

Enable the optional Invoice Approval feature if you want invoices to be approved before they are accepted and posted.

If you have multiple companies, you must enable Invoice Approvals for each company.

To enable the Invoice Approval feature:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select Settings > Billing > Options.
  2. On the Billing Options form, set the Use Invoice Approvals option to Yes.
  3. In the Default Approval Process field, enter the invoice approval process to use for projects that require invoice approvals when the Approvals Process field on the Billing Terms form (in the Projects hub) is blank.
    Although this default approval process is used when no approval process is entered for a project in Billing Terms, it does not prefill in the Approvals Process field in the Summary pane of the Billing Terms form in the Projects hub. The default approval process that you specify in Settings > Billing > Default Terms prefills in the Approvals Process field in Billing Terms for new projects that you create.

    Until you set up your own approval processes in Settings > Billing > Invoice Approval Process, in the desktop application, only the Default approval process is available in the Default Approval Process field.

  4. Click Save.
After you enable the Invoice Approval feature:
  • The Invoice Approval Process menu item displays in Settings > Billing in the desktop application.

    On the Invoice Approval Process form, you set up invoice approval processes to use for projects. An approval process defines who can approve and reject invoices and how and when notification center alerts are sent.

  • An Invoice Approvals option and an Approval Process field display in the Summary pane in Settings > Billing > Default Terms and in the Summary pane in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.

    In Settings > Billing > Default Terms, you enter the default invoice approval settings to use for new projects. You can override the prefilled settings on a project-by-project basis in a project's billing terms.

    For projects that are set up before the Invoice Approval feature is turned on, you enter invoice approval settings in a project's billing terms. You can also use the use Search and Replace utility to enter the appropriate approval process for a group of projects.