Resolve Errors for Some Imported Records in a Bank Statement

When you import transactions into a bank statement, you may find that some imported records contain errors.

To resolve errors in imported records in a bank statement:

  1. Complete one of the following actions on the Import Statement dialog box:
    • Click Save to import all the valid records.

      If there are issues with the import, Vantagepoint displays a dialog box that identifies the number of valid records or any issue with the import. Click OK. The imported bank records display on the Import tab of the Bank Statement Reconciliation form.

    • Click Cancel to stop the import process and not import any charge records from the file.
  2. Click Other Actions > Errors Report.
    A new browser window displays the error report. The report identifies any problems with the format of the imported file (as compared with the required format defined in Settings > Cash Management > Banks), or identifies any duplicate transactions based on the amount, date, and reference number.
  3. Fix the errors in the import file before you try to import again.