Email Reports (Desktop)

You can send a report as a file attached to a standard email message, or you can send a link to the report in an email message.

With standard email, Vantagepoint sends the message to one primary recipient. All other recipients receive copies of that one email message. Separate emails are not sent to each recipient.

You can schedule the email process to occur at another time. However, if you schedule the email process for project reports and the email is set up to go to a Vantagepoint-generated distribution list (project managers, for example), you cannot also schedule the reports to print as part of the same process. If you select Print Report on the Options dialog box when you schedule the email job, Vantagepoint ignores that setting. If you want to print reports and email them to a distribution list, you must schedule two separate processes.

Pre-requisite: Search for and select a report.

To send a report or report link with standard email:

  1. On the Navigation pane in Vantagepoint Desktop, click Reporting.
  2. Click one of the following tabs to display a list of available reports:
    1. Favorites tab to display a list of all your favorite or most frequently used reports. Favorite reports preserve all of the options, record selection criteria, and report languages (if you use multiple languages) that were specified.
      All Legacy reports appear with an asterisk and are non-editable. When you select a legacy report, you can run the report, but you cannot modify it.
    2. Reports tab to display a list of all available reports for which you have security access.
  3. Set the report options and record selection criteria.
  4. To display the Email Report dialog box, click Email on the Reporting toolbar.
  5. If you click Email on the Reporting toolbar and the report is a project report, select an option from the Email menu.
    You can select a category of recipients, such as principals or project managers, or you can select To Specific Address. If you select a category of recipients, skip to step 7.
  6. Enter the recipients' email addresses in To or click to use the Search for Addresses dialog box to find and select recipients.
  7. In CC and BCC, enter or select the email addresses of those you want to receive copies of the email message and report.
  8. Vantagepoint uses the report name as the message subject in Subject, but you can change it.
  9. In File type, select the format for the report such as Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word.
  10. In Message, enter the text of the email message. To format the message, click the pencil icon to launch the Vantagepoint Text Editor.
  11. Select one of the following actions:
    • Click Schedule to schedule the email for a later date or time. (This button is not available if you send the email from the Preview window.)
    • Click Send to send the email message. Vantagepoint generates the report and either sends the report as an attachment to the email message or sends a link to the report in the message.
    • Click Cancel to close the dialog box without sending the message.