Remove a User-Defined Tab from a Hub

When you remove a user-defined tab from a hub, the tab and the information entered on the tab is permanently deleted from the Vantagepoint database, along with all audit trail data.

Pre-requisites: You must reassign or remove all the items (fields, grids, and so on) on a tab before you can remove the tab from a hub. You delete an item on a tab by hovering over the item and clicking X in the upper left corner of the item. Then you click Save on the Actions bar.

You cannot remove a standard (predefined) Vantagepoint tab from a hub.

Warning: You cannot undo this action. For all records in the database, this action permanently deletes the tab, its grids, fields, and associated values, and its audit history.

To remove a user-defined tab from a hub:

  1. In the Navigation pane in the browser application, open Screen Designer in one of the following ways:
    • Go to the Hubs section and select the hub that you want to customize, or select Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts to customize the Chart of Accounts. On the Actions bar of the form that displays, select Other Actions > Design.
    • Select Settings > General > Screen Designer. In the Application field at the top of the Screen Designer form, select the application that you want to customize.
  2. On the Screen Designer form, hover over the tab name and then click X beside the tab name.
  3. On the Delete Tab dialog box, click Delete Tab.
    The tab is deleted from the hub. If you did not remove all the fields, grids, workflow buttons, and so on from the tab, a message displays on the Delete Tab dialog box to inform you that the tab is in use and cannot be deleted.
  4. On the Actions bar of the Screen Designer form, click Save.