Create an AP Invoice

When you create an AP invoice, you select one or more files and then add details about the invoice.

To create an AP invoice:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Transaction Center > AP Invoice Approvals.
  2. On the AP Invoice Approvals form, click Upload AP Invoice.
  3. On the Open dialog box, select one or more files that will be used for the AP invoice.
    If you select multiple files, a confirmation message displays. You can specify that each file that you select be included in separate AP invoices or have all files included in a single AP invoice.
  4. In the AP Invoices grid, you can add, view, and delete files.
    The Company field uses the active company by default. After the AP invoice is submitted or saved, the Company field becomes read-only and required.
  5. Use the fields in the Invoice Information section to add details about the invoice.
  6. To specify a purchase order for the AP invoice, click the Purchase Order field in the Invoice Information section and select a PO on the Select Purchase Orders dialog box.
    If you do this, the Route To field and the Project Information grid are disabled.
  7. To associate the invoice with a project instead of a purchase order, use the Project Information grid.
  8. Click Save to save the AP invoice or click Submit to send the AP invoice for approval.