Inventory Items

You can identify an item as an inventory item, meaning that it is something that you keep on hand and track in the Inventory application.

Characteristics of an Inventory Item

  • The item has the Inventory Item option selected on the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. This shows that it is necessary to track its quantity, and that it can be added as a unit to a unit table in Units Settings and used to create invoices.
  • It displays on Purchasing screens with the Inventory Item check box selected.
  • You must specify the project, phase, and task to be charged for the item's quantity request transactions.
  • Vantagepoint tracks its quantity for approvers, and displays a recap of all of the item's quantities on the Inventory tab of the Line Detail dialog box in Inventory > Item Requests in the desktop application and in Purchasing > Item Review.
  • It shows a Y in the Is Inventory column of the Items Lookup launched from the Item field in all Purchasing and Inventory transaction screens.
  • Its cost is first charged to the Inventory Common Project. To enforce this business rule, its grid row on the Cost Distribution tab of the Line Item Detail dialog box for purchase orders, purchase requisitions, and requests for price quote is non-editable. The Inventory Common Project displays in the project fields.

Characteristics of a Non-Inventory Item

  • It has the Inventory Item option cleared on the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. It cannot be added as a unit to a unit table in Units Settings.
  • Vantagepoint's Item screens display it with the Inventory Item check box cleared.
  • It can be included in an item request that also includes inventory items.
  • You do not need to specify the project, phase and task to be charged for the item's cost, unless the Require Cost Distribution option is selected on the General tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company.
  • It is not tracked in the Inventory application.
  • It displays an N in the Is Inventory column of the Items Lookup list launched from the Item field in all Purchasing and Inventory transaction screens.

Change a Non-Inventory Item to an Inventory Item

You can change a non-inventory item to an inventory item in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master. However, you cannot make this change if the non-inventory item is used in any purchase requisition or open purchase order. You must wait until all pending purchasing transactions are closed before making the change.

Numbering Format

Inventory transactions of all types share one numbering system. For a new inventory transaction, Vantagepoint uses the number displayed in the Next Number/Inventory Transaction field on the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company.

Load Historical Data

Use Inventory > Transactions > Quantity Adjustments to load an inventory item's Quantity on Hand and Average Actual Cost data.