Firms Hub

Use the Firms hub to record all of the information related to clients, vendors, prospects, competitors, government agencies, professional affiliations, and any other type of external business or entity that you would like to track.

Videos: See videos below

When a firm record is selected, the name of the currently selected firm displays at the top of the screen.

The Firms hub includes the Firms form, a Summary pane, and a set of tabs that provide an overview and key data such as the firm's status, relationship to your company, number of employees, annual revenue, firm type, address, web site, and an indicator of whether or not the firm is recommended for future work. Your system administrator may add custom tabs to supplement these.

Tab Purpose
Overview Review and edit key data, such as the firm description and other addresses.
Vendors Review all accounting and payment related information related to the firm. This tab displays when the Firm Type is Vendor.
Activities Review activities that have occurred or that are scheduled for the firm. You can also add new activities.
Associations Review all projects and other firms associated to this firm.
Contacts View and update list of contacts that are associated with a firm.
Our Team Create and maintain a list of employees that are associated with a firm and describe the employee relationship to that firm.

Files & Links

Upload, view, and store documents that are related to the current firm record. You can also add links to external documents, graphics files, or presentations. Note that this tab name changes from Files & Links to the Links tab when FileStream (a Microsoft SQL Server feature) is not in use.
The term "firm" encompasses a variety of external organizations:
  • Clients
  • Vendors
  • Government Agencies
  • Trade Associations
  • Competitors

Your administrator can rename this hub as needed.

The Firms hub includes a Firm Type option on the Summary Pane that allows you to specify how you want to classify a firm record. For example, a firm may simply be a competitor that you want to keep tabs on. You can specify that the firm is a Competitor type and enter the pertinent details. Or, you can select Client and Vendor to indicate that there are times when the firm is either a vendor or client. Rather than entering two different records for the same firm, you can give one firm two different firm types. In addition, when you specify that a firm is a vendor and you own Accounting, a Vendor tab displays where you can also enter detailed purchasing, banking, accounting, and payment information.