Create an Email Alert Action

Use the Email Alert action to create a workflow that sends an email message to a selected person or group when the conditions that you specify for the workflow are met. You can create these actions for user initiated workflows or scheduled workflows.

For example, you can create a workflow that specifies that when a new employee is added, Vantagepoint sends an email message to the new employee's manager. Vantagepoint only sends the email message after all specified actions have successfully taken place. If the workflow fails at any point, Vantagepoint does not send the email message.

To create an email alert action:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Workflow > User Initiated Workflows or select Settings > Workflow > Scheduled Workflows.
  2. On the User Initiated Workflows form or Scheduled Workflows form, use the drop-down list in the header field to select the hub or other area, such as employees or billing terms.
  3. In the Workflows grid (or Scheduled Workflows grid), select the workflow row (event) to which you want to add the action.
  4. In the Actions grid, click Add Action > Email Alert.
  5. In the Recipient Options section on the Email Configuration dialog box, use the Select Attendees From field to refine the list of email recipients.
    The options that display depend on your configuration and the application that you are working in. For example, if you select Role, the Email Recipient list populates with all available security roles. When you select a role, all users in that role will receive the email or notification. Alternatively, if you select Employees, the Email Recipient list changes to display all employees.
    After you make a selection from the Select Attendees From list, you can specify additional options to create a mixture of recipient records. For example, after selecting a role in Role, specifying the associated recipients, and applying the changes, you can select Contacts and specify a number of contact records so that both the specified roles and the contacts receive the email message or notification.
    The options that display in the Recipient Options list depend on the application that you are using:
    • Users: Select this setting to display a list of enabled Vantagepoint users and then select one or more user names. When the event is triggered or the report is run, the selected users will receive the email or notification.
    • Roles: Select this setting to open the role search dialog box and then select one or more security roles. When the event is triggered, all users in the designated roles will receive the email.
    • Contacts: Select this setting to display a list of contacts from the Contacts hub and then select one or more contacts. When the report is run, all selected contacts will receive the email.
    • Employees: Select this setting to open a list of active employees that are available from the Employees hub and then select one or more names from this list. When the report is run, all selected employees will receive the email.
    • Project Role: Select this setting to open the list of security roles that are available for the project. You can only select one project role at a time. When the report is run, all users in the selected role will receive the email.
    • Employee Fields: This option applies to user initiated or scheduled workflows. Select this setting to open a selection dialog box, on which you can choose one or more fields that are associated with the workflow type.

      For example, for the Projects hub there are Project Manager, Supervisor, Principal, and other key employees and user defined employee fields. When you use Employee Fields, Vantagepoint duplicates each field with one of the versions being denoted as (Old). In this case, Project Manager and Project Manager Old will be in the list. This designation allows you to choose either the original (old) project manager or a new project manager for situations in which the workflow is triggered because there was a change in project manager assignment.

      When the event is triggered, the email or notification will be sent to the employees that are associated with the record's selected fields.

    • Approval Roles: This option applies to approval workflows only. Select this setting to open an approval role selection dialog box and then select one or more approval roles. The approval roles listed on the dialog box are those associated with the approval workflow type. For example, for Absence Requests there will be Supervisor, Timesheet Group Admin, Organization Approval Role, and user defined fields from the Employees hub. When the approval event is triggered, the email or notification will be sent to the employees that are associated with the record's selected approval roles.
  6. If you selected an option in the Select Attendees From field, use the Email Recipient grid to select the recipients for the email.
    The options that display in this list are based on your selection in the Select Attendees From option. For example, if you set this option to Project Roles, the Email Recipient list displays all roles that are designated as Project Roles. When you select a role (Project Manager, Supervisor, Primary Contact), the individuals that are included in that role will receive the email.
  7. The +TO, +CC, or +BCC fields display the recipients of the email based on your earlier selections and you can add more recipients, if necessary.
    You can also manually enter an email address for an individual who will receive the email or notification. To send messages to more than one person, enter all addresses and separate them by entering commas or semicolons, or by pressing the spacebar on your keyboard.
  8. Use the Message Options section to create and format a message to the email recipients about the email report, select a output type for the report, and preview the report before sending it.
  9. In the Subject field, enter the subject for the email or notification.
    If you are sending a report, this field is autopopulated with the name of the report, such as Project List Report or CRM Project Summary Report. You can also edit or add information to the Subject field.
  10. Enter the text for the message that will be sent when the email or notification is triggered.
    You can add text or field codes that act as placeholders for data. Click in the upper right of the memo field to use the Text Editor to apply formatting.
    • Regular Text: You can enter text directly in this field.
    • Field Codes: Click Insert Field to open the Insert Field dialog box and then select fields to insert from a list of all fields in the selected application. For each field, Vantagepoint inserts a code as a placeholder. When the email or notification is sent, the field codes are replaced with data from that field, for that record.
  11. Click Apply on the Email Configuration dialog box to save the action.
    The action that you created is now listed in the Actions grid of the User Initiated Workflows form or Scheduled Workflows form.