Extend Data Validation Business Logic for Time Sheets

You can extend the data validation business logic when submitting time sheets to process custom validation rules using Web services.

To extend the data validation business logic when submitting time sheets:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Settings > Workflow > Web Services in the desktop application.
  2. On the Web Services form, click to enter a row in the grid for custom time sheet validation.
  3. Select Timesheets from the Application drop-down list.
  4. Enter one of the following in the Web Service Location field:
    • A location or a file path for the WSDL file generated for the Web service.
    • A URL to the WSDL file located on a Web server
    • For Web services written in ASP.NET, it can also be a URL to the Web service ‘asmx’ page with “?WSDL” added at the end. This parameter generates the WSDL information automatically.

    For example:

    • WSDL File URL: http://Serv1/TSheetValService/TSheetVal.wsdl
    • ASMX page URL: http://Serv1/tSheetValService/TVal.asmx?wsdl

    Based on the information contained in the WSDL file, Vantagepoint populates the Web Service Method drop-down list with a list of available Web methods in the Web service.

  5. Select an appropriate method for time sheet validation.
  6. Click Save.