Contents of the Expense Categories Dialog Box

Use these fields and options on this dialog box to enter additional information for an expense category or edit existing information for a category.


Changes that you make on this dialog box are reflected in the corresponding fields on the Expense Categories settings form.

Field Description
Category This field prefills with the name of the category that you entered on the Expense Categories settings form.
Detail Type This field prefills with the detail type that you entered in the Expense Report Detail Type field on the Expense Categories settings form. The detail type determines which dialog box opens when employees click in the Detail field in the Expense Report grid when they enter an expense item for this expense category.

Detail types are:

  • General: The General Detail dialog box allows users to enter a business reason for the expense item.
  • Business Meals: The Business Meals Detail dialog box allows employees to enter a business reason for the expense item and the names of those persons whose meals are included as part of the expense item.
  • Travel: The Travel Detail dialog box allows employees to enter a business reason for the expense item, where they traveled from and to, the distance traveled, the rate per kilometer or mile, and the total reimbursement monetary amount.
  • No Detail: No detail dialog box is available when employees enter an expense item for this category.

Each of the detail dialog boxes also allows employees to determine whether or not to include the business reason when they print the Detailed Expense report.

Bill by Default This field prefills with the setting that you specified for this option on the Expense Categories settings form. This setting determines whether or not the client will be billed for an expense item that is entered with this expense category on an expense report.
Billable Message This field prefills with the type of message that you entered for this field on the Expense Categories settings form. The type of message displays when an employee enters an expense item on an expense report and selects a billing status for the item that differs from the billing status set up for the associated expense category. Select from the following options:
  • Warning: Displays a warning message. Employees can complete the expense report with the billing status they selected, even though it differs from the default billing status set up for the expense category.
  • Error: Displays an error message. The billing status is reset to the default billing status set up for the expense category.
  • No Message: No message displays. Employees can complete the expense report with the billing status they selected, even though it differs from the default billing status set up for the expense category.
Status Select the status for the expense category: Active or Inactive. The status determines whether the expense category is available to members of the expense group when they enter an expense report line item. If you make an expense category inactive, you prevent employees from using the expense category. This allows you to keep the expense category rather than permanently delete it, in case you want to use it again in the future.

Account Information Fields

Field Description
Reimbursable Account This field prefills from the entry made on the Expense Categories settings form. This is the reimbursable account to debit when this expense category is entered for an expense item on an expense report that is billable and is charged to a regular project. This reimbursable account prefills in the Account field in the expense item grid on the Expense Report form.
Direct Account This field prefills from the entry made on the Expense Categories settings form. This is the direct account to debit when this expense category is entered for an expense item on an expense report that is non-billable and is charged to a regular project. This direct account prefills in the Account field in the expense item grid on the Expense Report form.
Overhead Account This field prefills from the entry made on the Expense Categories settings form. This is the indirect account to debit when this expense category is entered for an expense item on an expense report that is charged to an overhead project. The indirect account is also used when no project is selected for an expense item if you do not use organizations or do not have separate balance sheets. You can enter the following types of accounts in this field: indirect, asset, liability, other charges, or net worth. This account prefills in the Account field in the expense item grid on the Expense Report form.
Promotional Account This field prefills from the entry made on the Expense Categories settings form. This is the indirect account to debit when this expense category is entered for an expense item on an expense report that is charged to a promotional project. The indirect account is also used when no project is selected for an expense item if you do not use organizations or do not have separate balance sheets. You can enter the following types of accounts in this field: indirect, asset, liability, other charges, or net worth. This account prefills in the Account field in the expense item grid on the Expense Report form.
Allow User to Edit Select whether or not to allow employees to change the reimbursable, direct, overhead, or promotional account number when they enter an expense for this expense category on the Expense Report form. If you select Yes, you do not have to enter default account numbers on this dialog box for this expense category.

Distance Override Fields

These fields display only when you set the Detail Type option to Travel.

Field Description
Distance Measure If you want to use a reimbursement rate for this expense category that is different from the standard rate entered on the Options form in Expense Settings, enter the monetary amount in the first field and select the unit of measure, Mile or Kilometer, in the second field.
Allow User to Edit Measure Select whether or not to allow employees to edit the prefilled distance/travel reimbursement rate and measure when they enter an expense for this expense category on the Expense Report form.
Calculate From Amount Select whether or not to have a distance reimbursement amount calculated for an expense item using the distance measure reimbursement rate entered for this expense category. For example, you may not want it to be calculated for an expense category for airline travel.

Company Paid Override Fields

The following fields display only if you set the Allow Company Paid Expenses option to Yes on the Options form in Expense Settings. If you do not want an expense category to use the company-paid project, phase, task, and account that are entered in the Company Paid Credit Posting section on the Options form in Expense Settings for company-paid items on an expense report, enter a different project, phase, task, and account here.

Field Description
Project Enter the project that you want to credit when employees enter company-paid expense items for this expense category on an expense report.
Phase Enter the phase that you want to credit when employees enter company-paid expense items for this expense category.
Task Enter the task that you want to credit when employees enter company-paid expense items for this expense category.
Account Enter the account that you want to credit when employees enter company-paid expense items for this expense category.

Tax Override Grid

This grid displays only if you select the Enable Tax Auditing Feature option in Settings > Cash Management > Options.

If you do not want an expense category to use the default tax codes that are entered in Cash Management Settings to calculate taxes for expense report items, enter different tax codes in this grid. You can enter as many default tax codes as you need for an expense category.

Tax Override Grid Tools

Field Description
+Add Tax Click this option below the grid to add a row to the grid, and enter the default tax codes to use to calculate taxes when employees enter this expense category for an item on an expense report.
X To delete a tax code from the grid, hover over a row and click X at the end of the row.
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon at the top right of the grid to filter the list of tax codes in the grid. A blank row is added to the top of the grid. In any of the fields in the row, enter text to filter the list. The grid then displays only the tax codes that fit the criteria that you entered in the field. Click the icon again to close the filter.

Tax Override Grid Fields

Field Description
Expense Location Specify an expense location to provide the expense category's default tax codes associated with the location. You can assign each expense category's default tax code to an expense location. If an employee indicates a location on their expense report and uses an expense category, the appropriate tax code is then provided for the selected expense category, based on the location.
Tax Code Select a tax code to use to calculate taxes when employees enter this expense category for an item on an expense report. The drop-down list includes the tax codes that are set up in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes with the Employee Expenses option selected in the Inputs section of the form. The tax code can also have any of the check boxes in the Outputs section on the Tax Codes settings form selected. Only taxes with an Active status are included in the Tax Code drop-down list.
Description This field prefills with the description of the tax code that you select.

Tax Fields

Field Description
Allow user to edit tax code Select whether or not to allow employees to change the default tax code on their expense reports when they charge expenses to this expense category.
Allow user to edit tax amount Select whether or not to allow employees to change the calculated tax amount on their expense reports when they charge expenses to this expense category.


Field Description
Apply Click this button to apply your changes and return to the Expense Categories settings form. The changes are saved when you click Save on the form.
Cancel Click this button to exit from the Expense Categories dialog box and return to the Expense Categories settings form.