Currency Exchange Tab of the Analysis Cubes Form

If your firm uses multiple currencies, use the Currency Exchange tab to specify how currencies are handled in Analysis Cubes.

If your enterprise uses multiple companies, the selections that you make on this tab apply for all companies. This allows you to create a custom report that displays all monetary amounts in a single currency, called the presentation currency. In the report, include the Currency dimension from the Presentation Currency dimension group in addition to the measure for which you want to display presentation currency.

Whenever you update the currency exchange rates, these changes must be applied in the PowerShell script to be available in Analysis Cubes.

If your firm uses the Vantagepoint on-premises product, contact your system administrator to run a refresh of the Analysis Cubes.

If your firm uses the Vantagepoint Cloud product, contact your system administrator to submit an Analysis Cubes Refresh service request to the Deltek Cloud Ops.


Field Description
Pivot Currency This drop-down list displays all the currencies that are activated in your Vantagepoint database. If you have multiple companies, the list displays all the currencies that are activated in your database for all the companies in your enterprise.

Select the intermediate currency to use to determine exchange rates between all the currencies in your company, or the multiple companies in your enterprise. These exchange rates are used in Analysis Cubes to determine the presentation currency amounts when the presentation currency dimension is included on a custom report.

The pivot currency allows for a currency exchange rate to be determined between two currencies even when no exchange rate has been entered directly for the two currencies in Settings > Currency > Daily Exchange Rates. You activate currencies in Settings > Currency > Options.

Rate Download Exchange Date Select the date to use to retrieve exchange rates to populate the Exchange Rates grid on this tab. The options are:
  • Today's Date: Select this option to use today's date for the exchange rates.
  • Specific Date: Select this option and then select a date from the calendar to specify another date for the exchange rates.
Rates Last Updated When you click the Update Rates option on this tab, this line displays the date on which the Exchange Rates grid was last updated. This includes scheduled rate updates.

Actions bar

Field Description
Update Rates Click this option to update the Exchange Rates grid with the Vantagepoint Daily Exchange Rate information that is entered in Settings > Currency > Daily Exchange Rates. See the Exchange Rates grid description in this topic for more information about the grid and its contents.

You must enter a pivot currency and a rate download exchange date before you click the Update Rates option.

After you click the Update Rates option, the Rates Last Updated line is updated with today's date.

Schedule Click this option to open the Schedule dialog box, where you can enter settings that allow the Update Rates process to occur automatically at a future time.

Exchange Rates Grid

When you click the Update Rates option on this tab, the Exchange Rates grid is updated with an exchange rate between the currency in the From Currency field in this grid and the currency in the Pivot Currency field. You cannot edit the information in the Exchange Rates grid; it is for display only.

Field Description
From Currency This displays all the currencies that you selected in Settings > Currency > Options for all companies in your enterprise.
Date This displays the exchange rate date from Vantagepoint Daily Exchange Rates settings in Settings > Currency > Daily Exchange Rates for the exchange rate.
Exchange Rate This column displays the exchange rate from the currency in the From Currency field to the currency in the Pivot Currency field. The exchange rate is retrieved from Daily Exchange Rates settings for the two currencies.

Because there can be multiple exchange rates with different effective dates for currencies, the rates that are retrieved and displayed in the Exchange Rates grid are based on the date that you entered in the Rate Download Exchange Date section on this tab.

Exchange rates are retrieved for the exact date that you specified. If there are no rates for the specific date, an exchange rate with the most recent date that is earlier than the date you entered is used. For example, if the exchange rate dates entered in Daily Exchange Rate settings for two currencies are 9/1/2021, 10/1/2021, and 11/1/2021, and you enter 12/1/2021 in the Rate Download Exchange Date field on this tab, the exchange rate in Daily Exchange Rates settings that is dated 11/1/2021 is retrieved for the Exchange Rates grid. The date of the exchange rate that is retrieved displays in the Date column of the Exchange Rates grid.

If no exchange rate is entered in Daily Exchange Rates settings (in Settings > Currency > Daily Exchange Rates) between the currencies in the From Currency and Pivot Currency fields, Vantagepoint looks through the following list and uses the first item it finds to determine an exchange rate:

  1. Inverse rates are used if they are available.

    For example, your pivot currency is JPN (Japanese Yen) and you have USD (US dollars) listed in the From Currency column in the grid. No exchange rate is entered for USD to JPN currency in the Vantagepoint Daily Exchange Rates settings. However, an exchange rate from JPN to USD is entered in Vantagepoint Daily Exchange Rates settings. The JPN to USD exchange rate will be used to determine the JPN to USD exchange rate that displays in the Exchange Rates grid. The Date field in this grid displays the date of the JPN to USD exchange rate from Daily Exchange Rates settings.

  2. The triangulation currency entered in Settings > Currency > Options is used if one is entered. The most current date between the triangulation currencies that is on or before the date that you specified as the Rate Download Exchange Date is used.

    If you have multiple companies, the triangulation currency is retrieved from the company that you are currently logged on to in Vantagepoint.

    For example, the pivot currency is JPN, the From Currency is Bermudian dollar (BMD), and the triangulation currency is the Canadian dollar (CAD). No exchange rates were found for BMD to JPN and vice versa. Both a BMD to CAD and a CAD to JPN exchange rate are entered in the Daily Exchange Rates settings. These exchange rates are used to determine the exchange rate from BMD to JPN. The Date field in the Exchange Rates grid displays the date of the BMD to CAD exchange rate from Daily Exchange Rates settings.

  3. If no inverse rates or triangulation currency is found, then an exchange rate cannot be determined; the Exchange Rate column is blank. In this scenario, you can enter an exchange rate in Daily Exchange Rates settings, return to the Currency Exchange tab, and then click the Update Rates button.