Matching Imported Transactions with Posted Bank Records

The import process matches imported transactions with posted records, based on the combination of amount and date or amount and reference number. If any imported records remain unmatched after the process completes, you need to match them to posted records manually.

You can match records in the following ways:
  • Match one posted record with one bank record.
  • Match multiple posted records with one bank record. For example, you enter deposits individually by project or by client, but you may deposit the amount as a single transaction in the bank.
  • Match one posted record with multiple bank records. For example, you enter one deposit transaction, but record it as multiple transactions in the bank.
  • Match multiple bank records with multiple posted records.

Matching Based on Suggestions

Posted bank records that could match the imported transaction display in the Suggested grid of the Match Transactions dialog box. The suggestions are based on the parameters you set in the Matching Rules section on the Import tab of Settings > Cash Management > Banks, where you can specify which records you want to consider as a possible match, based on a range of dates or monetary amounts.

Example: If you enter 5 in the Payment Days +/- field and 1.0 in the Payment Amount +/- field , a record displays as a suggestion if it is within a five-day difference between the bank document payment line and the bank statement line date and is off by a dollar of the imported payment transaction (assuming that you use dollars as your currency).

You can select one or more suggested records that match the imported transaction.

Matching Based on Posted Records

By default, unmatched posted records that are of the same type as the imported record display in the All grid of the Match Transactions Dialog box. You can select one or more records that match the imported transaction.