Contents of the Calculated Measures Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to create or modify a calculated measure for the Vantagepoint project data cube.

Field Description
Description Use this field to enter a name or brief description for the calculated measure. Choose a description that indicates clearly what is being calculated, so that other users will understand its purpose.

If you use multiple languages in Vantagepoint, a calculated measure's description is not automatically translated into each language that you use. You must log in to Vantagepoint in each language and manually enter the calculated measure description in that language.

Text not translated displays in this field when a calculated measure has been created in one language, but the calculated measure has not been given a description in the language that you selected when you logged in to Vantagepoint for the current session.

For example, you log in to Vantagepoint using the English language and create a calculated measure with a description of Project Manager Profitability. For this description to display in French, you must log out of Vantagepoint and log in again, this time selecting the French language on the Vantagepoint Login screen. Then you can replace Texte non traduit in the Description field with the appropriate description in French.

Group Use this option to select the measure group in which the calculated measure will display.
Folder Use this option to select the folder within the measure group in which the calculated measure will display.

When you select [None], the calculated measure displays directly in the measure group (not within a folder).

You can enter a different folder (one that is not included in the drop-down list). To do so, enter the name of a new folder directly in the Folder field.

Data Type Use this option to specify the data type of the calculated measure. The options are Currency, Numeric, or Percent.
Measures Use this list to select a measure to be included in the equation for the calculated measure. This list displays all the measures that are available in the Vantagepoint project data cube.

User-defined fields that you create in Screen Designer display in the Measures list only after you refresh the data cubes.

Calculated measures do not display in the list. You cannot create nested calculations.

This list displays all possible project data cube measures regardless of whether or not you selected the measure (field) on the Measures tab on the Analysis Cubes form to populate the Vantagepoint project data cube. This means that you could select a measure that does not populate the data cube.

The measures that you select from the Measures list to include in a calculation must also be selected on the Measures tab on the Analysis Cubes form to populate the Vantagepoint project data cube; otherwise, the calculated measure will not work.

Add Measures Use this button to include the measure that you selected from the Measures list in the equation for the calculated measure. The measure is added in Calculation.
Calculator Use these options to create simple calculations using numbers, math operators (/, *, -, +), brackets, and parentheses.

To enclose all or part of the calculation in parentheses, select that part of the calculation in Calculation and then click (..exp..) or type the parentheses. If you include division in the calculation, you must use parentheses to enclose the division operation; if you do not, the report will not run correctly.

You do not have to use the Calculator to select a number or symbol. You can also enter them directly in Calculation. For example, you could use the keyboard to enter the following: [ JTD Amount] - [Compensation]

Clear Click this option to delete the entire calculation.
Check Calculation Click this option to verify that the calculation is valid.
Calculation This displays the equation for the calculated measure as you create it. You use the Measures list and Calculator options to add components to the equation.

You can also click in Calculation and then use your keyboard to add components to the calculation manually.

You can enter the following with your keyboard:

  • Numbers
  • Operators (+, /, and so on)
  • Parentheses
  • Brackets
  • Measure names: Include [ ] brackets before and after a measure name. Example: [Accounts Receivable Balance]. You cannot enter a name that is not in the Measures list.

Calculations can contain simple expressions, such as [X] – [Y].

The measures that you select from the Measures list to include in a calculation must also be selected on the Measures tab in Analysis Cubes form to populate the project data cube; otherwise, the calculated measure will not work.

Optimize Calculation Error Handling This check box is selected by default. If you clear it, a warning displays. Do not clear this check box unless you have been instructed to do so by Deltek Customer Care.