Create a New Report (Desktop)

Before you generate a report the first time, you must apply either the default options or select different options.

When you have a report format that you like and that you want to use again, save the format as a favorite.

To create a new report:

  1. On the Navigation pane in Vantagepoint Desktop, click Reporting.
  2. To select the report, click anywhere in the grid row for that report.
    Both standard and favorite reports are listed in the Reports grid. Favorite reports have either Personal or Global in the Type column.
  3. Click the Options column, and then click .
  4. On the Options dialog box, select the report options.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. To restrict the records included in the report, click the Selection column in the Reports grid, click , and use the lookup to specify the criteria for selecting data for the report.
  7. Click Apply.
After you create the report, you can preview or print it, save the options, save the selection criteria, or create a favorite report based on the current options and selection criteria. You can also send the report as an email attachment, download it, or schedule it to run at a later time.