General Tab of the Purchase Orders Form

Use the General tab to enter and edit data that identifies a purchase order and enter data for change and cancel orders.


Purchase Order Information Section

Field Description

Enter an alphanumeric purchase order number. If you save the completed purchase order form without entering a number, Vantagepoint populates this field with an auto-assigned number.

If it is necessary to give a number for a purchase order when you talk to a vendor, make sure that the number you give is unique across your enterprise.

Release Number After you final print a release order, this field displays the result of the calculation [Blanket Order P.O. Number] - 1.
Type Select the purchase order's type. Options are Standard, Blanket, and Service.

For more information, go to Purchase Order Types.

Date to Order Vantagepoint uses this date to calculate the Due Date on the Line Items grid.

This field displays today's date. You can specify a new date.

Currency Code Select the currency to use for this purchase order. The list displays the currencies that are available for your company.

This field displays the name of the purchase order's buyer. This is usually the name of the user currently logged in.

Click View Buyer Details to launch a new browser window where you can view more buyer information.

You can select a different name. The lookup includes all of the employees listed on the Buyers grid of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings.


This field is displayed only when an approval workflow is used for approving purchase orders. This field displays the current state of the approval process for the purchase order based on the configured approval workflow for purchase orders.

The possible states are:
  • Start
  • In Approval
  • In Review
  • Completed
Step This field displays only when an approval workflow is used for approving purchase orders. This field displays the current step (1, 2, 3, and so on) of the approval process for the purchase order, based on the steps that are set up for the purchase order's approval workflow. Step 0 is logged with a new purchase order is created but not yet submitted.

Vendor Section

Field Description

On the Vendor lookup, select a vendor for the purchase order. After you submit a purchase order, you cannot change the vendor.

When you create new purchase orders, click + New Vendor to create a new vendor record. Vantagepoint opens the Firms hub opens as a dialog box.

Click View Vendor Details to launch a new browser window where you can view more vendor information.

If you created this purchase order from a requisition or request for price quote with one line item, and the line item has no vendor specified, this field displays the Primary Vendor from the General tab of the Items Master form in Purchasing > Items Master.

Address This field displays the primary address for the vendor. You can select a different address.
Vendor Contact This field prefills with the name of the default purchasing contact that is entered for the vendor in the Purchasing section on the Accounting tab in the Firms hub. The name displays as a hyperlink that opens the contact record in the Contacts hub when you click it.

The contact's name and email address (if one is entered on the General tab in the Contacts hub) print in the To section of a purchase order.

Click View Contact Details to launch a new browser window where you can view more contact information.

You cannot directly change the contact name that prefills in this field. You can, however, change or remove the default purchasing contact that is entered for a vendor in the Firms hub and the change is applied to any purchase order that has not yet been approved.

Purchase Order Description Section

Field Description
Text Box Enter any internal or external descriptions for this purchase order. When you process a release order for a blanket purchase order, you can enter notes about the release in this field.