Turn on Auditing for Timesheet Revisions

You turn on auditing for timesheet revisions in Time Settings. This auditing tracks the changes that employees, approvers, or timesheet administrators make when they update, delete, submit, or approve a timesheet.

If you have multiple companies, you must complete these steps for each company.

To turn on timesheet auditing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Time > Timesheet Audit.
  2. On the Timesheet Audit form, set the Enable Revision Audit option to Yes.
  3. In the Revision Audit Frequency field, select when to start the auditing (when employees start a timesheet or when they submit a timesheet).
  4. In the Require Revision Explanation field, select whether to require employees to enter revision explanations on timesheets.
    You specify when the explanation entry is required, either after submitting a timesheet or when revising timesheet entries made on previous days.
  5. Optional: Click + Add Explanation below the Global Revision Explanation grid to add a row to the grid and add a standardized revision explanation that employees can select when they make revisions to timesheets.
  6. Click Save.
After you enable revision auditing, if there are some employees for whom you do not want to require revision explanations, you can turn off timesheet revision auditing on an employee-by-employee basis on the Time & Expense tab in the Employees hub.