Contents of the Invoice Format Form

Use the fields and options to specify the format and details that you want to include in invoices.

Video: See related video below

<Company Name>

The heading changes to reflect the current company for which you want to configure the invoice format.

Field Description
Invoice Addressee Use this option to select the line of text, such as Name of Billing Client or Name of Billing Contact, that is used for the first line of the client's address on invoices. The address that you enter will be the default addressee for session options in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing. You establish available lines of text in the Projects hub.

Depending on the option that you select, additional print options for contact details display on this form. Select Yes or No for each option.

Address Start Enter the number of inches or millimeters below the standard address placement for the address to start printing. The units in which you enter the measurement should match the type of units currently selected in the Unit of Measure field in this form.

If you enter zero, Vantagepoint does not change the standard address placement.

Page 2 Start Enter the number of inches or millimeters below the standard page two start placement for the first line on the second (and subsequent) pages of your invoices to start printing. This dimension is used for invoices if no dimension is entered in 2nd Page Top for the invoice template. The units in which you enter the measurement should match the type of units currently selected in the Unit of Measure field in this form. You cannot enter a negative number in this field.

If this field value is used for an invoice, white space equal to the sum of this dimension and 2nd Page Header Height in the invoice template will also appear on the first page of the invoice, though the second page header itself is not displayed on the first page. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 and later versions were intentionally designed to insert this white space when suppressing the header on the first page.

Unit of Measure Select Inches or Millimeter to determine the unit of measure used in the Address Start and Page 2 Start fields. When you switch from one unit of measure to the other, the measurements automatically convert to the new unit of measure.

(1 inch = 25.4 millimeter)

Overtime Indicator This field defaults to display Ovt as the indicator for overtime amounts on Invoice reports. You can change this indicator to any three-digit alphanumeric indicator to support your business requirements. For example, the Dutch indicator for overtime is Ovw for "Overwerk."
Print Contact Prefix This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact prefix on the invoice.
Print Contact Middle Name This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact middle name on the invoice.
Print Contact Title This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact title on the invoice.
Print Contact Preferred Name This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact preferred name on the invoice.
Print Contact Last Name This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact last name on the invoice.
Print Contact First Name This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact first name on the invoice.
Print Contact Suffix This option displays only when you select Name of Billing Client, Name of Billing Contact, Name of Billing Contact/Client, or Name of Billing Client/Contact in the Invoice Addressee field. Select Yes or No if you want to include the contact suffix on the invoice.
Invoice Footer Enter a default footer message to print at the end of the invoice. Vantagepoint automatically wraps to a second footer line when you enter more than 70 characters. You do not have to enter a carriage return to get a second line. To create more than two footer lines, however, set the insertion point where you want each line to break and press ENTER.

If you are using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and you press ENTER to break a footer line, "garbage" characters appear in the footer if you export the invoice to the RTF file format or to Microsoft Word. This is due to a limitation of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. If that occurs, you can edit the RTF or DOC file to clean up the footer text.

Default Invoice Format

Field Description
Print Total Now Due Select Yes or No to display the Total Now Due amount after the Outstanding Invoices section of the invoice. This amount represents the amount currently outstanding plus the Total This Invoice amount from the current invoice. This option applies to projects that use the default invoice template.

If you do not have one or more of the Print AR options selected in the project’s billing terms, this amount does not appear on the project’s invoice.

If you display outstanding accounts receivable by phase or task, the total now due is listed for each phase or task, not for the total invoice. If you display outstanding accounts receivable by project, the total now due is for the entire invoice.

If the billing terms use a custom invoice template, you must select the Print Total Now Due option on the General tab of the Invoice Template Editor (in Settings > Billing > Invoice Template Editor, in the desktop application) for that template, in addition to selecting the option here, for this feature to be enabled.

Company Address This field shows the address of the company that is currently selected.

Show On Invoice

Field Description
Company Name Select this option to print your firm’s name on your invoices. This option applies to projects using the default invoice template. Do not select this option if your invoices print on letterhead or stationery that already has your firm’s name.
Company Byline Select this option to print your firm’s byline. This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Company Address Select this option to print your firm’s address on the first page of your invoices. This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Project Name Select this option to print the project name on your invoices. This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Project Number Select this option to print the project number on your invoices. This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Invoice Number Select this option to print the invoice number on your invoices. This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.
Combine Project Number and Invoice Number Select this option to print the project and invoice number together. For example, assume that you print an invoice for project 92005.00 and the next invoice number is 0000222; Vantagepoint prints 92005.00-0000222.

This option applies to projects using the default invoice template.

Save Click this button to save changes on the form.


Title Description

Set Up Billing

Learn how to set up Billing, including selecting options for preparing and formatting client invoices and tracking revenue and taxes.