Contributions by Category

The Contributions by Category report displays amounts for each contribution category, by employee, for three reporting periods that you specify.

Contribution Categories

Contribution categories enable you to track amounts, other than withheld taxes, that your enterprise contributes to employee accounts. For example, you could use contribution categories to track the following:

  • Matching contributions to 401(k) accounts.
  • Contributions toward employees' health insurance costs.
  • State Unemployment Insurance payments for a state other than the state for which an employee has a withholding amount.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, this report may contain employee data for one or more companies that are associated with the employee.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.