Set Up Timesheet Ratios to Display in Timesheets

A system administrator can specify whether or not employees can view their timesheet ratios when they enter timesheets under My Stuff.

If you have multiple companies, you complete the timesheet ratio settings for each company.

To make employees' timesheet ratios viewable from timesheets for the active company:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Time > Ratios.
  2. In the Show Ratios section of the Ratios form, select the check boxes for the timesheet ratios that you want employees to be able to view when they enter timesheets.
  3. In the Show Totals section, select the timeframes for which to display the selected ratios from a timesheet.
  4. Click Save.
Employees view their ratios from a timesheet by clicking their name at the top of the Timesheets form in My Stuff > Timesheet. This opens the Employee Card, where employees can view their own timesheet ratios on the Ratios tab.