System Dashparts

System dashparts display data on a unique interface that you can add to any dashboard as needed. These dashparts are predefined and cannot be edited or resized.

Apart from the unique visual representation of data, system dashparts contain some fields and options you can use to perform tasks that are associated with the system dashpart. While viewing the Dashparts Library pane of the Dashboards form in edit mode, system dashparts are represented with the icon in the dashparts list.

The following system dashparts are available:

Dashpart Type Description
Upcoming Milestones Upcoming Milestones is a graphical timeline of upcoming and historical milestones for any project to which you have access and is based on the Date & Cost tab of the Projects form in Hubs > Projects.

This dashpart displays up to 7 upcoming milestones beginning with today's milestone or your most current milestone. If the selected projects have no upcoming milestones (for today or in the future), then the last 7 milestones are displayed, instead.

Use the paging control arrows to view past or future milestones across the timeline.

Use the Upcoming Milestones drop-down list to filter the milestones that display on the timeline. You can select a standard filter (All, Active, or My Active), an existing custom filter, or click Custom to create a new custom filter that is immediately applied. You can also save a new custom search filter.

You can view details about each milestone. On the timeline, click a milestone point to display an info bubble that displays the date, name of the milestone, project long name, notes for the milestone, and a More link . Click this link to display the project record in a separate browser tab, where you can view additional notes and details about the project and milestone.

This dashpart also appears in Hubs > Projects > Dashboard without the search filter and displays the milestones for the displayed project record.

My Activities

The My Activities dashpart is a grid of your day's events. The events may be meetings, reminders, deadlines, alerts, and so on. This dashpart contains dynamic content and updates accordingly. For example, if an appointment is rescheduled, the information changes in the dashpart.

Use your activity calendar or the Activities hub to review, add, and modify your activities. You can view your calendar by day, week, or month. You can also update your calendar from the Dashboard.


The Pipeline dashpart is represented as a bar chart that provides a summary view of compensation and fees for the projects in your pipeline. For each dimension value on the vertical axis, the chart displays estimated and weighted fee amounts for projects that are In Pursuit, Lost, and Do Not Pursue. The total compensation value is also displayed, stacked over the weighted fee and estimated fee bars for won projects.

To determine each project's contribution to pipeline fees, Vantagepoint spreads the fee amount for each project evenly across the period from that project's start date to its end date to determine per-day fees. It then uses the project start and end dates to determine the number of days each project will contribute fees during the Pipeline chart time frame, and multiplies that number of days by the per-day compensation and fee amounts to determine that project's contribution to the compensation and fees shown in the chart. In order to be included in the pipeline, the project must have the following populated: Total Compensation for projects that are Won, Estimated Fees and Estimated Start and Estimated Completion Dates in the Projects hub.

Use searches to select the projects that are included, and you can specify the vertical axis dimension and the time frame.

Resource Planning is required to access this system dashpart. Take Resource Planning licensing into account when assigning employee access to dashboards with this system dashpart. For more information, see Resource Planning User Indicators.

Upcoming Generic Assignments The Upcoming Generic Assignments dashboard displays alert messages for managers about upcoming generic assignments that need to be assigned to specific resources.

The Resource Planning application is required in order for you to access this dashpart. Take Resource Planning licensing into account when assigning employee access to dashboards with this system dashpart. For more information, see Resource Planning User Indicators.

Favorite Reports The Favorite Report Dashpart allows you to view a list of your favorite reports. You can select the Preview icon on an active row to preview the report in a separate browser tab.