Manage Mobile CRM Sections for User-Defined Fields

Before you can add user-defined fields to the Misc. tab in the Contacts, Firms, or Projects hubs in Mobile CRM, you must set up sections on each hub's Misc. tab for the user-defined fields.

In these hubs in Mobile CRM, the Misc. tab is the only tab to which you can add user-defined fields.

Open Screen Designer for the Contacts, Firms, or Projects hub, and use the Manage Mobile CRM Sections action on the Screen Designer form to set up sections for the Misc. tab for that hub. You can also change the name of the Misc. tab.

When you use the Add Field option on the Screen Designer Actions bar to add a user-defined field to the Contacts, Firms, or Projects hub, you specify the Mobile CRM section of the Misc. field to add the field to in the Field Settings dialog box.

The following types of user-defined fields cannot be added to a Mobile CRM section for the Contacts, Firms, or Projects hubs:

  • Date/Time
  • Phone