Project History

You should consider when to enter project history and how much history to enter.


You can enter project history during installation, after installation, or not at all. Some enterprises find it easier to install Vantagepoint and process transactions for one or two accounting periods (typically one or two months) before they enter project history. This allows users to gain a better understanding of how Vantagepoint works and where project reporting data originates, which in turn makes it easier to determine the level of history data that must be entered to meet processing and reporting needs. Keep in mind, however, that your project reports may not be useful until after you have entered project history.

Level of Detail

Most enterprises do not maintain project files that are as detailed as the project files available in Vantagepoint. Therefore, the most difficult history decisions often involve how much project history to enter. The amount of project history that you enter affects the level of detail on your reports and your ability to process data accurately. For example, if you do not enter labor and expense history, your project and Time Analysis reports, unbilled transactions for billing processing, and job-to-date overhead amounts will not include complete or accurate details. You also may not have sufficient data to run Revenue Generation accurately.

Conversely, you may not need complete data for all projects. You may opt to supply history for only certain projects or for no projects at all. For example, you may decide not to enter history for projects that will end during the next few months, instead entering history only for projects that will continue past a specified date in the future.